Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Dreams 11/28

 Dreamt that Ron and I were in a lavish old-fashioned opera house, looked like France or New Orleans. There were many levels, chandeliers, and red and gold patterned wall paper. There was a woman and her grown daughter who looked to be straight out of The Roaring Twenties. Both had short dark bobbed haircuts as did I. The woman was raving over me and insisted I put on a red beaded dress that resembled Rose's in Titanic. There seemed to be a crowded party going on: men with slicked back hair in tuxes. Something didn't seem quite right, and I was suspicious of the woman. I was around a corner when I heard her say my dress would ignite with the slightest cue, so I ditched the dress. Now, I was after the woman, her daughter, and others who were actually vampires or something rather like it. I was picking them off, one at a time, when I woke. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Christmas Update

                                                            Updated ZAZZLE

Dreams 11/26


Dreamt I was living in a cottage surrounded by green fields. There was a neighbor and a sliding glass door. I had a cat, a boy, who was white with brown spotting, but when I put him out in the yard he became a dark russet color. I told the neighbor he was really a black cat, but she said, no, that he was aubergine. I said he used to be darker but that you could always see his auburn highlights in the sun. I loved the cat, and picked him up and hugged him. 

Next, I seemed to be working in a small office in a strip mall. There were perhaps four old metal desks like teachers had in the seventies, and we were surrounded by glass. Maybe three other women were working with me, all ages, but the one was Tonya, a girl from my high-school class, only she was different like what happens with my dreams. She was a big blonde and wearing white shorts. I had dumped a bag out on my desk and was sorting through it. I took my coat down from a rack and walked to the front desk ready to leave when one of the women said that I had a bouquet of flowers and would have to take the truck. Now, I was in high-school, but it wasn't my old high-school. I was in the cafeteria when I realized my keys were missing. They were on a dried baby alligator head. Now I wouldn't be able to get home. Once again, I was sorting through a bag I'd dumped out on the table in front of a big dark haired girl with glasses. I was trying to bribe her with things to give to her friend to get me home. The contents strewed in front of her consisted of: two cheap pairs of pink and white seashell earrings that were clumped together and finished with shellac, a big green pair of vintage sunglasses that were stamped with a gold name with a matching green case, a tortoise shell hair pick with a gold finish, and various other bits I cannot recall. I told her the shells were cheap, but the other things were valuable, and she could pick what she liked. She said she wanted them all. Then, a green panel in the wall behind her slid open, and I went through. Inside, I met with my tall dark haired teacher, BOWIE, and told him my troubles. He rode me past my old church, Holy Spirit, in his pick-up truck. He asked if he looked old, and I told him, no. I told him he was my hero and gave him a kiss. Now, I was back at school, however, facing another of those green panelled doors. I was about to go through it when a black janitor told me not to. He said he had to shoot at a bank robber once who had gone through that door. BOWIE was back when I woke. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thanksgiving Weekend


This autumn has ranked as one of the most fun ever. My brother and I went down to the creek where I found a load of Turkey Tail mushrooms for a friend. After getting home I made Davey Bird, here, looking dramatic, who Ron has claimed, but I'm working on Jack N. Oph for my brother, now. These are inspired by David Bird's Becorns. My Liverpudlian girlfriend turned me on to them. Today we went on the mine tour in the Lehigh Valley. I got an arrow head and a couple of new crystals in their fun gift shop, one is local quartz. The mining museum was full of amazing art and doll houses. Finally, we went to the Stampede BBQ. It was our first time, but I've had their homemade cider at Apple Fest at Joanna Furnace. I'm a huge fan, it's more the European sort, and my brother said their hand crafted old-fashioned ale was good too. 

The Tully, Mining Museum, BBQ...

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Dreams 11/22

Again, my first dream is gone, and all I can remember about the second is that it was Halloween night. A girl from my highschool class, Janeen, was a bit taller and dressed in a long rainbow pinstriped cloak with a hood. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Doll Land Day Care with Mistress Dolly


Billy Joel - Only The Good Die Young (HD)

Dreams 11/20


Last night I dreamt about my high-school boyfriend. It took place at my parents' home, and I recall the front porch, the kitchen, and the den.  Mummy is the only other person I remember being there besides BJ. Unfortunately I can't remember many details. Perhaps BJ was on the outs with Mummy, but I might be fabricating this as I really don't remember except that we were teenagers again. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Queen Ann & the DOTTA Doll Auction

The doll auction in Nazareth, Pennsylvania far exceeded my expectations. Ron had said to pick a doll for Christmas. I enjoy going through the online auction listings. Queen Ann, a first place winning hand carved wooden doll by Effie Brydges, (1978), was by far my first choice, but I had no idea how big she'd really be until I saw her in person. I was expecting more like Bonnie Prince Charlie, but as you can see at just shy of three feet tall she towers over my big Himstedts. I know Ron paid twice what he expected, so I told him she more than covered Valentines Day as well. She's like something you'd find in The Victoria & Albert Museum. They had a lot of beautiful dolls there spanning two centuries including Jumeau, Schoenhut, and Kestner, but I have a couple of Kestners, Simon and Halbigs, too many china heads, even a Schoenhut who I love. Didn't have a gigantic hand carved Georgian doll though. Few do. Lucky me. 

Nazareth Doll Auction Photos  

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Dreams 11/15

 Dreamt that I worked in a big warehouse with a couple of other girls, one had short dark hair. I suspect our employers were mobsters, but they weren't Italian as far as I could tell. There was a mini bar in the place, and it didn't seem like there was a lot of work going on, mostly chit chatting. Then, another man came in, and he was doing something with a load of big stuffed animals. I was in the bin amongst them. There was a big colorful furry owl I wanted. Next, we were gathered round two Greek or Roman gods, well, one was a goddess. I'm not sure who they were, but I'm guessing Venus and Hermes, maybe Apollo. They were big as cows, Venus was bigger, very white like statues, with some golden highlights. They had big dark empty eyes, and their hair was tight little curls, not really hair at all, rather just another part of their fleshy beings. They were silent and curled on the floor in fetal position with their asses exposed. Along their asses they had several little golden teets. I was told I had to suck the honey from Hermes' ass. Another had Venus. I really didn't want to, but was more afraid of the consequences if I refused. He was softer and warmer than I expected. The honey was a bit watery.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Dreams 11/14

 Bombarded with dreams this morning, can't remember them all. First, there was a boarder living with Ron and me. He was a tall young man with dark curly hair. The house would switch from this place to the home where I grew up. I remember looking in the refrigerator, here, and then was in the kitchen of my parents' house. At one point he had a girlfriend with short dark hair visiting. 

The next dream I remember I had gone away with my ex and his friend. We were getting married in an old theater. It had taken us awhile to get there. They left me in an old cluttered dressing room to get ready. I put on a black and red beaded dress and was rummaging around the bottom of a big carpet bag looking for my satin shoes which I had forgotten. Then, I put on some nylons. I looked in the mirror and was thinking I had the wrong dress. I was trying to put on a hat, but my hair was everywhere and looked like what Mummy would call, a rat's nest. Then, the proprietors of the theater came and got me because I was running late. The woman gave me something to drink, and I woke. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Night of Dark Shadows (1971)

Rest in Peace, Angelique


Dreams 11/12


Too bad I've forgotten the first part of this dream because it was good. Later, I was sight seeing with Mummy and my friend, Tonya. It seemed it be a complex of old houses with cobblestone streets, Early American, would be my guess. I told Mummy Tonya was a commie, and that it was all rigged against us no matter what we believed. She agreed. Then Tonya climbed through a little old paned window, and another, to the back right, into a big stone house leaving Mummy and I there, looking after. I thought I'd never fit through these windows, and how could that be, Tonya was rounder than me. I opened the first window all the way and stuck my head through thinking even if I got my head through the second, I'd still get my hips stuck. I pulled myself through and was directing Mummy when I woke. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

The Poconos


I've been having way too much fun for one person all autumn. Don't know how I got so lucky. Ron had met with an old friend who tipped him off about his brother's cafe, so wanted to visit the Poconos. I'd never been there, so had no idea what I was in for. First, we visited Grey Towers, a smasher Pennsylvania blue stone Victorian complete with a burial ground. The Water Wheel is located literally within an old mill and surrounded by fun antique and other shops. I had a delicious noodle soup and good cider. It was a fabulous time all round. 



Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Dreams 11/7

 Dreamt I was at a sort of fair in a school gymnasium. I was sitting on the bleachers with a big guy with a beard who liked me. He had a fluffy brown kitten that I was holding. I checked to see if it was a boy. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Mehitable's New Knits

 Mehitable likes her cute new knits I got at the doll show yesterday. I still haven't gotten over this darling doll, she's a favorite. A Russian violin maker made her, and you can tell, she's precious. There was a locally made Hitty there yesterday that cost six times as much and wasn't half as nice. I love all of the Russian crafts I was lucky enough to score. Mehitable's artist is an American now, though. I do have a couple of other handmade one-of-a-kind Russian dolls, one is wooden, but Mehitable has her own trunk and wardrobe because I just can't help but spoil her. 

Dreams 11/6

 There was more to the beginning of this dream, that I've forgotten, but it was green, lush, and spacy like cloudy skies at dawn. John Cleese, the warlock, was the main player and spy. There was something intriguing about him, and I had to send him back to his own time from the airport, and he went off. I was sorry for it, but I didn't have a choice. 

The next dream I was at home where I grew up on the front porch, just an observer, and there was a big orange and white stipey cat who was in a big concrete old-fashioned bird bath with little gargoyles entwined within Celtic knot work. He seemed to be walking on the water in the bath but upon closer view he was sludging through warm molten wax. 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Lancaster Doll Show

Had fun as usual at the Lancaster Doll Show. Spent fifteen dollars, which is fifteen dollars more than I spent last time when I won a door prize. Got a cute Holly Hobbie I don't have, love Holly Hobbie, and a pair of hand knit pajamas for Ginny, Mehitable, or one of my little Kishes like Tulah. I've got several little dolls those will fit. Couldn't really afford the dolls I might've gotten as usual but learned some things like the dolls I have listed on Ebay are really reasonable: people want twice as much for dolls in not so good shape. There was a lady there that made teensy wooden old-fashioned dolls. Looked like she used match sticks, soft wood, lots of varnish and scraps. I might be able to make those along with entire little room boxes and houses. Sounds fun. I think the next show is in April. They're in the spring and fall. It was real crowded today. 


Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Kiffness X NumNum Cat (Live Looping Balkan Remix)

Jawbreaker Cabernet

 Went looking for some five dollar Werewolf Romanian wine like the after Halloween sales last year: nope- out. Scored the last bottle of this for $6.49- $7.94 after TAXES. Damn' those demonrats are wringing us dry all round. It's tasty though. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Dreams 11/3

 Slept too long to remember my dreams. All I know is the first concerned a WWII spy in a brown pin striped suit and matching fedora. It wasn't a particularly good dream, the second was better and longer but seems to have completely escaped me. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

How Jay got his Jacket: Poetry Card


How Jay got his Jacket

 Jay and his cousin Jim were squawking 

over something small.

Jay said the sky was blue,

while Jim said, "Not at all."

Jim said it was black 

as his glossy feathers.

Jay said that was only 

during bad weather. 

Jim said not, but each morning

before The Sun shone her head. 

Jay said, "Nay, The Sun is a man.", 

and flew off, instead. 

He flew for a spell 

thinking how the sky certainly was blue,

then he looked down,

cooing, "See, the water is too!"

As he soared through the tree tops 

he thought the leaves were green.

He was sure his cousin, Jim Crow, 

would say they were not what they seem,

for there are times they turn into gold.

That cousin was surely a liar,

or so he'd been told. 

But, then, there, what did he spy?

Was that really gold?

He squinted his eye

and plunged down, down,

and what was this?

A tiny fairy he'd found!

He'd landed top a flower, 

a flower so large,

he'd scattered her seeds,

Sunny, startled, cowered,

beneath a shower of dark hail.

There hadn't been a bird this bright

in her hidden vale. 

"Who are you, bird?', she asked, 

'Who helps me harvest my seed?"

"Jay Blue.", answered he.

"Well, I will reward you for this deed."

Then the fairy spun round, 

three times, four. 

She turned round again

just to be sure. 

And, Jay, there he stood, 

in a new blue jacket and cap.

His dark plumes, now blue,

he loved sunflowers

and always would.  

Dreams 11/2

Tried blotting out last night's nightmares, but some have lingered. First, I lost my canine teeth and was a real mess. I did manage to forget the second, I think, but the third was rather long and wyrd even for me. I lived in a sort of sixties style California cottage with Ron and Shiner. There was a ramp out front through the colorful flower garden like for a wheelchair that led to the fron door. I remember walking Shiner on a leash and sitting in an bed full of blankets with a pistol. I was target practicing in front of the television that had a bullseye that was hot pink, yellow, and purple. Then, there was a small middle-aged Japanese woman. Her hair was pulled back in a short pony tail, she wore big dark sunglasses, a cropped sleeved blue and white top with royal blue capri pants. I saw her first in a grocery store, then at the airport, and finally at home. She never spoke, and I didn't think she was a friend.