Sunday, November 12, 2023

Dreams 11/12


Too bad I've forgotten the first part of this dream because it was good. Later, I was sight seeing with Mummy and my friend, Tonya. It seemed it be a complex of old houses with cobblestone streets, Early American, would be my guess. I told Mummy Tonya was a commie, and that it was all rigged against us no matter what we believed. She agreed. Then Tonya climbed through a little old paned window, and another, to the back right, into a big stone house leaving Mummy and I there, looking after. I thought I'd never fit through these windows, and how could that be, Tonya was rounder than me. I opened the first window all the way and stuck my head through thinking even if I got my head through the second, I'd still get my hips stuck. I pulled myself through and was directing Mummy when I woke. 

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