Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Dreams 11/14

 Bombarded with dreams this morning, can't remember them all. First, there was a boarder living with Ron and me. He was a tall young man with dark curly hair. The house would switch from this place to the home where I grew up. I remember looking in the refrigerator, here, and then was in the kitchen of my parents' house. At one point he had a girlfriend with short dark hair visiting. 

The next dream I remember I had gone away with my ex and his friend. We were getting married in an old theater. It had taken us awhile to get there. They left me in an old cluttered dressing room to get ready. I put on a black and red beaded dress and was rummaging around the bottom of a big carpet bag looking for my satin shoes which I had forgotten. Then, I put on some nylons. I looked in the mirror and was thinking I had the wrong dress. I was trying to put on a hat, but my hair was everywhere and looked like what Mummy would call, a rat's nest. Then, the proprietors of the theater came and got me because I was running late. The woman gave me something to drink, and I woke.