Monday, November 27, 2023

Dreams 11/26


Dreamt I was living in a cottage surrounded by green fields. There was a neighbor and a sliding glass door. I had a cat, a boy, who was white with brown spotting, but when I put him out in the yard he became a dark russet color. I told the neighbor he was really a black cat, but she said, no, that he was aubergine. I said he used to be darker but that you could always see his auburn highlights in the sun. I loved the cat, and picked him up and hugged him. 

Next, I seemed to be working in a small office in a strip mall. There were perhaps four old metal desks like teachers had in the seventies, and we were surrounded by glass. Maybe three other women were working with me, all ages, but the one was Tonya, a girl from my high-school class, only she was different like what happens with my dreams. She was a big blonde and wearing white shorts. I had dumped a bag out on my desk and was sorting through it. I took my coat down from a rack and walked to the front desk ready to leave when one of the women said that I had a bouquet of flowers and would have to take the truck. Now, I was in high-school, but it wasn't my old high-school. I was in the cafeteria when I realized my keys were missing. They were on a dried baby alligator head. Now I wouldn't be able to get home. Once again, I was sorting through a bag I'd dumped out on the table in front of a big dark haired girl with glasses. I was trying to bribe her with things to give to her friend to get me home. The contents strewed in front of her consisted of: two cheap pairs of pink and white seashell earrings that were clumped together and finished with shellac, a big green pair of vintage sunglasses that were stamped with a gold name with a matching green case, a tortoise shell hair pick with a gold finish, and various other bits I cannot recall. I told her the shells were cheap, but the other things were valuable, and she could pick what she liked. She said she wanted them all. Then, a green panel in the wall behind her slid open, and I went through. Inside, I met with my tall dark haired teacher, BOWIE, and told him my troubles. He rode me past my old church, Holy Spirit, in his pick-up truck. He asked if he looked old, and I told him, no. I told him he was my hero and gave him a kiss. Now, I was back at school, however, facing another of those green panelled doors. I was about to go through it when a black janitor told me not to. He said he had to shoot at a bank robber once who had gone through that door. BOWIE was back when I woke. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats