Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thanksgiving Weekend


This autumn has ranked as one of the most fun ever. My brother and I went down to the creek where I found a load of Turkey Tail mushrooms for a friend. After getting home I made Davey Bird, here, looking dramatic, who Ron has claimed, but I'm working on Jack N. Oph for my brother, now. These are inspired by David Bird's Becorns. My Liverpudlian girlfriend turned me on to them. Today we went on the mine tour in the Lehigh Valley. I got an arrow head and a couple of new crystals in their fun gift shop, one is local quartz. The mining museum was full of amazing art and doll houses. Finally, we went to the Stampede BBQ. It was our first time, but I've had their homemade cider at Apple Fest at Joanna Furnace. I'm a huge fan, it's more the European sort, and my brother said their hand crafted old-fashioned ale was good too. 

The Tully, Mining Museum, BBQ...