Saturday, November 18, 2023

Queen Ann & the DOTTA Doll Auction

The doll auction in Nazareth, Pennsylvania far exceeded my expectations. Ron had said to pick a doll for Christmas. I enjoy going through the online auction listings. Queen Ann, a first place winning hand carved wooden doll by Effie Brydges, (1978), was by far my first choice, but I had no idea how big she'd really be until I saw her in person. I was expecting more like Bonnie Prince Charlie, but as you can see at just shy of three feet tall she towers over my big Himstedts. I know Ron paid twice what he expected, so I told him she more than covered Valentines Day as well. She's like something you'd find in The Victoria & Albert Museum. They had a lot of beautiful dolls there spanning two centuries including Jumeau, Schoenhut, and Kestner, but I have a couple of Kestners, Simon and Halbigs, too many china heads, even a Schoenhut who I love. Didn't have a gigantic hand carved Georgian doll though. Few do. Lucky me. 

Nazareth Doll Auction Photos  

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