Sunday, June 30, 2024
Dreams 6/30
Dreamed that I was very thirsty, so I got out of bed and went down to the cellar where I found a big jug of apple cider. I was drinking right out of the jug, really chugging it, when Ron came down looking for me. He was wearing shorts.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Dreams 6/29
Funny dream, I was shopping with my best witch and her mother, although as is often the case with dreams, it wasn't really her mother. The "woman" was more like something out of Planet of the Apes, so we'll call her Lucy, as she looked like the missing link. She was small and robustly built with broad shoulders. She was white with beady little dark eyes and a broad African nose. She had wooly, kinky, blue hair. We were in a dressing room, and she was trying on what looked like a white satin wedding dress. We were commenting on it.
Friday, June 28, 2024
Dreams 6/27
I haven't been dreaming much, but I dreamed that my beautiful Vishnu was dead, and I had to fish him out.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Dreams 6/25
Way too rough of a day for dream remembrance, this is what I recall: It was daylight, maybe morning, and I was outside a shop window looking in with my friend Annie. I think it was a red brick building. I also think that we both worked in the shop.
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Dreams 6/23
I dreamed about my old neighbor Pat. It was Christmas time, and she was staying in a beautifully decorated room at an inn. I might've worked there. The place had a welcoming rosy glow about it. There was a big bed and right next to it a huge Christmas shrub all hung with rose colored glass balls.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Dreams 6/22
Minie' Ball Complete in Hardback
Friday, June 21, 2024
Minie' Ball
Now available as an ebook, soon to be released in other formats, all five of my Minie' Ball comics. These are based on my poetry, short stories, and novels concerning The Civil War. They haven't been available for years, but now you can read them all:
Right on Time
Oh, my ghoul, can you believe this? It's right on time, (syncronicity).
I just got this fabulous handmade package from my Liverpudlian ghoulfriend. Is that little Barnabas in the bed? The witches are going to have a ball with their new magic book. Somebody is going to get a new coffin. Vlad went to live with Susie Blue Witch, and we all know Barnabas moved to England, so will it be Ambrosia Briar? Doll Land has settled down since Bloody Mary moved to Spain as I was telling Dame Darcy, but there will always be lifeless corpses... 💖 I've got twin frozen Charlottes from when The Allies bombed the doll factories where the Nazis killed the artists and stored their ammo; and they're looking good as the Grady twins, so I guess I'm sending them to Liverpool once I finally dress their nakey asses, what do you say? Comments are welcome on this rare and magically hexciting post. Funny but I'm up to Master Miles Brockington in The Three Witches Magic Shoppe just now, and guess what? Minie' Ball, (all five comics), ought to be available soon in paperback, and maybe even hardback. We'll see... ✨ I tried to publish them as an ebook, but am facing difficulties. Sorry about that. I do try. ☮ Oh! I'd forgotten to mention that the commies at The Pony Hexpress had opened this package as usual. 😠 At least they didn't steal it for once. This is why I ship UPS.
Dreams 6/21
Dreamed that Ron and a few of his friends that I don't know in real life had taken me on a shopping trip to a small neighboring town that I've never been to. We were shopping in a big sort of emporium, and I'd found a couple of crystals at the glass front desk that I was interested in. One had three points, known as a Holy Trinity quartz. It was palm sized. The other was about the same size but more opaque and pearlescent. It looked like if you'd spilled some old paint and it had hardened, cascading and rippled. I was really most interested in the first one and went looking for the proprietors for a price. I found them in a back room, two young men, the younger in his twenties with dark hair and the other older, maybe in his thirties, with longer sandy colored hair. They were both tall. The elder told me it was something like a Satyaloka quartz. I asked how much it was, and he asked me how much I wanted to pay for it. Then he asked the younger. They were going through costs between three and thirty-two dollars. I went back to the desk to get it, but it was gone. Also, Ron, and his two or three friends were gone too, so I proceeded through the darkening cobblestoned town looking for them, lost. I was lost for the remainder of the dream, so it gets fuzzy, but I remember a dark courtyard and a tall young man with dark hair who was friendly and helpful.
Monday, June 17, 2024
The Art of Dana Lee
Dana's Dreams
Just released, Dana's Dreams is a 186 page paperback with a lifetime of color photos. It's pretty crazy. Are you featured in Dana's Dreams? I wouldn't be surprised.
Dreams 6/17
This is the first dream in a couple of years not to be featured in Dana's Dreams, a 186 page paperback with full color photos that I just completed last night and should be released soon. Will there be More of Dana's Dreams? You never know.
I was at an auction type of appraiser's with Ron and his mother. The place was well lit but crammed with stuff. Ron's mother had three Italian glass pieces, an ashtray, and some other sort of dishes. They were mottled: blue, yellow, and clear, heavy glass. She had given me two of them, but when she realised that they were worth a little bit of money she said she thought she ought to keep them. The next time we were supposed to go I told Ron I didn't want to, and he didn't blame me.
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Dreams 6/16
I dreamed that I was singing and dancing naked in front of the mirror, and my breasts were really big. 🤣🤣
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Friday, June 14, 2024
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Dreams 6/13
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior to the wedding. My friends were there, but they were dream people, and I don't know them in real time.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Gifted Hands
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Dreams 6/11
I dreamed that I was staying in an old bed and breakfast with a fabulous old wooden staircase. There were red carpets and antiques. My aunts Judy and Nancy were there as well as my friend Susan and Emily Gilmore from Gilmore Girls, I think she owned the place. First thing I recall I was sleeping in my big quilted bed with a cat. A scroungy looking black mouse with three embroidered red hearts on his rump scurried up to the foot of my bed, and the cat got him, but dropped him. I screamed, and Emily came running. I was further upset when she told me that I could not take a shower. Then, I was sitting at a little round covered table with Aunt Nancy and Susan. Aunt Nancy gave me a gift. When I opened it first thing I saw was a pewter wizard with a staff sitting atop a jewel, but then he changed into a little doll with white yarn hair in a red and white striped dress holding another smaller doll on her lap. Finally she changed into a plastic dark haired doll with pigtails and green sleep eyes. Susan thought she looked like me. Last thing I remember I was taking my doll up the stairs.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Dreams 6/10
I've forgotten most of this long dream because it began shortly after I'd dropped off to sleep, I slept late, then had way too many distractions before writing it down. I know it concerned Gilmore Girls; I remember Lorelei, Rory, and I think, at least, Lorelei's mother, Emily. I cannot recall the details: too late.
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Mehitable goes to the Beach
Dreams 6/9
I dreamed it was my first day of college, and I was moving in to my dorm. The resident advisor gave me directions to my room, the key, and led the way. He said not to notice the noxious smells coming from the back cooridor, to hold my breath. When we passed through that way the white hallway held a beauty parlor. There were children, getting permanent waves with plastic shower caps on their heads. After I'd gotten to my room I was sitting and talking with a big wooly man with ram's horns. He was kind of scary.
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Friday, June 7, 2024
Merry Pissmas!
Why Pissmas? Shiner is seventeen, so I say, Welcome to Piss Pad Land! My baby brother, aka, Jack N Oph from fakebook gaol, has come to visit for WWII Weekend. He's got a gig with Weedeater, (I think). I made cookies and a'pizza. He hasn't been here since Ron was throwing biscuits at Thanksgiving, so he had a stack of gifts including Cheech and Chong-opoly. Ron crushed us. I was Chong and was out first. It's more fun than Monopoly.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Monday, June 3, 2024
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Dreams 6/2
This dream began in a dark cellar in an old house. A small crowd had gathered, I think it was some sort of Satantic cult. There was a little black and white baby goat with white horns. I left the group and went upstairs to bed. It was a nice bedroom with a big old wooden poster bed. The spead was cranberry with a floral print and matching shams. Lying there next thing I knew there was a man sleeping next to me. I think it was Nick Yukich from high school. I got up and the cult started pouring into the room again. This time besides the little goat they left a sort of offering spread out on the bed. It kind of looked like a Satantic doll surrounded with sticks and votive candles only the doll's head was not connected to the body, it was a goat's head, and it looked as if it was made of salami. I was pretty much creeped out, dismembered their make shift altar, and crawled back into bed, thinking I was alone again. This time a fat man entered the room. I didn't realize until too late that there was a fat woman in a turquoise and purple printed seventies style dress lying in the far right corner of the room. The fat man started wooing her. It was pervervted, but still polite, asking her if he might have her. Obviously she consented when I realized that my friend Tonya was lying at the foot of the bed.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Ignis Koshi Chime with Gentle Fire Sounds | Connect to the 🔥 Element | R...
Dreams 6/1
This dream began at dawn in an empty parking lot. Mummy was there, she had packed my car. I was leaving for a brand new job as a nanny and tutor for a child. When I got to the house my employers, a young couple in their thirties, had unpacked my car and put my things in their exspansive and crowded attic. I had an unbelieveable assorment of belongings, a lot of which supposedly belonged to my grandmother. After my things had all been stowed away in the attic, the disgruntled husband decided he no longer wanted to hire me afterall, too much baggage, I guess. His wife was not as upset. Packing my things back up was such an ordeal that they brought in three other adults to help. The things, both mine and theirs', in the attic consisted of a lot of vintage and Asian things including: a gigantic aquarium full of lots of African carvings, driftwood, and dry moss, Christmas decorations like angels, books, macrame, bolts and folded material of all kinds, knick-knacks, chests, and loads more. I was tired of going up and down the narrow wooden stairs. At first I was pretty peeved at the father, but after awhile, I just wanted to get out of there. It was dusty and stuffy.
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...