Tuesday, April 30, 2024
My Beautiful Betta
Since I've already gotten a request to meet Julius, here, he is. He's a double tailed Betta, quite young, this is close-up. Mordred is an alien, also young, and Merlin, the bumblebee, has grown a lot because he eats too much. I try to limit him, but he shares his tank with four voracious tetra, and they compete. Actually I only got that tank for my neons, Tom and Tom, because Felix was going to kill them, they stole his food out from under him. So, those two were in this tank for eight months before Merlin came along. I got Nimue and Morgana, the black neon tetras, the same time as Merlin, and he chases those two round and round the amphora; I think, they're playing. Julius has only been with me a couple of days, but he's eating, responsive, and sweet. He does chase Neptune, the big peppered cory cat, who ended up switching tanks with Oscar, Felix's original housekeeper. I can't catch Oscar to move him back, he's too happy in the cylindrical tank. He loves that big fake plant in there that has made my life much easier.
Everthing Old is New Again
I was up, working on a painting as a birthday gift for a friend, spring cleaning, drinking cider, and eating tater tots last night when I started fussing with my plants. I didn't start the jungle, it follows me like nightshade. Plants and floral arrangements were Mummy's big thing. She was very crafty. She would love the latest arrangement that began with a crystal candy container from Ron's mother. It likely was his grandmother's because I have crystal from my great-grandmother. I was inspired by an arrangement in the therapist's office in Six Feet Under. The rocks at the bottom for drainage are interesting bits: a crumble I found on the ground at Captain Hood's Tomb, and bits of blue quartz, coal, and ancient arrow heads, I imagine, from beneath the cairn across the street that they removed to build condos. The soil is Bob's Bonsai Mix from Mutschler's Rare Plants, which Ron sings to the like of Ballroom Blitz. It has twenty-eight ingredients from across the country, and is some good stuff. Pluto, the blue mystery snail's shell that Percival trapped himself in, is the only accent besides a connecting bit of branch that Ron brought me from the woodpile that resembles a cock, but the balls are buried. The prunings are: parlor palm from Ron's mother's funeral, (Annie and Jay got that), bamboo from Mordred's tank, (that was not doing well there; so, I moved it to another container left from the funeral, filled with bonsai mix, aquarium leftovers, and water that I rarely have to change as I set it up as a terrarium from a lady who wrote the book on watergardens when a fish chanel I follow on You Tube hosted her as a guest), vinca vine, red Anthurium, that I call Mr. Rourke flowers, from a big old plant, and some purple Celosia, which I'm not sure will take. I think I got that in New Hope. My fish like it. You can just see Merlin at the top of the photo, but Mordred, and even Julius can see it, too. I've not introduced you to Julius yet as I've only had him a couple of days, but he's eating. I got him a new house that looks Flintstonian, and he's gorgeous: pink, white, blue, green, yellow, and red, with black spots. He even has a beauty mark. Stay tuned. Happy May Day!
Monday, April 29, 2024
Dreams 4/28
Dream snippet about a tiny hand held game that you would hold in the palm of your hand and maneuver little seed beads into holes by shaking it gently. It was square, made out of light cardboard, and brightly colored with a masked harlequin. It was something like a party favor.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Friday, April 26, 2024
Thursday, April 25, 2024
More Dreams 4/25
Dreamed Annie and Jay lived in an old mansion. They were having a party for Annie's daughter's wedding. I was upstairs on the wooden landing that was covered in many different colorful rugs. Jay said some guy had picked one out, it was floral, and he thought it was loud. I liked it. There was another very colorful one that looked like a Picasso with blue, gold, black, red, and green circles that bordered on loud, however. I was in Annie's daughter's room with her husband. She had a snow globe that looked like there was jellyfish in it. Paulina was one of the party guests. I went downstairs where one of Annie's granddaughters had a room that was more of a nook off the hallway. Her bed was covered in Muppet types of stuffed and furry creatures. She said she'd heard I liked Captain Caveman. Told her I loved Captain Caveman and used to get up at seven in the morning not to miss it. She had a volcano pillow and said she loved it too.
Dreams 4/25
Dreamed I found a little baby faery fox sleeping curled in a ball. He was smaller than a squirrel and sort of a cross between a red fox and a Firey from Labyrinth. I put a plastic keep over him, which was sort of like a bug house, and scooped him up. Then, in the same plastic container, I had a baby Betta. It was very tiny with a red head and black tail. I have a sugar egg that Mummy had gotten from a bridal shower in the sixties. The egg was in the container with the little fish. Then, I put two big Chinese goldfish in the keeper. The baby escaped into the egg, and I woke myself, distressed.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Dreams 4/23
Dreamed that Daddy, my friend Rick, and some strange dark haired young woman were moving through a series of concrete tunnels underground. The woman and Rick were both wearing long beige raincoats. We came to an area where the floor was covered with mashed pink rats. Looking ahead, there were maybe a dozen live rats waiting for us at an entrance. One was sitting up and grooming itself. It was a fancy long haired rat with a caramel coat. We turned away and continued on. I scraped the rat muck from the bottom of my shoe. Rick was holding my hand. The woman hopped over a pallet covered in a white sheet. I told her Daddy was not going to be able to do that hoppy thing.
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Dreams 4/18
Had a nightmare all day I couldn't shake. It took place in Slippery Rock, but as usual with dreams it was more like Fredricksburg. Mummy had sent me to get my car fixed and also to pay a man out in the country some money we owed him. I parked my car in a lot alongside a tavern, it looked like an old stable. For some reason when I got out of my car I took off my little brown leather flats and left them with some other shoes in the lot then proceeded into the tavern in my stocking feet. I knew a girl who worked there, and she gave me a bunch of strange homeopathic remedies. She was telling me what they were for. The place was dim and dusty, and when I went back out to my car dusk was gathering fast, and I could not find it or my shoes. I was looking all around, tavern to tavern. The place was full of alleys that were a bit like a brick labyrinth, or so it seemed to me, lost and confused. One proprietor, a fellow with dark hair, seemed to think I was a little crazy. I might've been because I would get fed-up looking, wake myself, then fall back into the same dream. At one point I thought I found my shoes only they were huge, not mine. I was thinking I was going to be late paying the blonde man who lived out in the boonies and was going to have to walk home in my socks. I entered yet another old bar, a woman with short dark hair was trying to talk me into drinking with her, but I refused. I never did find my shoes or my car.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Front Tree
Always have to share the front tree this time of year, it's so beautiful. And, the commies, church, and illegals are going hogwild cutting down the trees in the neighborhood, so sad. They even got The Coochie Tree. I miss her.
Dreams 4/17
Dreamed that Ron and I were at his brother's for a huge holiday dinner, but it was a different house. I don't think I've been in this house before, but in the dream we used to live there. It was a big house with a huge dining area and central staircase. I had to use the powder room but it was occupied, so I wandered upstairs to use a small one off of a bedroom which I knew was there. It was very cluttered with sneakers and other trash. There was a blue bullet for smoking pot.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Monday, April 15, 2024
Amazon Author Page
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Dreams 4/14
Dreamed that I was in my grandmother's bedroom in front of her dresser mirror. My hair was long and auburn and pulled back in a top knot. I wore a beautiful long silk floral dress and put on a full length coat. I had two very heavy bags of books to carry.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Dreams 4/13
Dreamed of The Black Lodge. There was a middle-aged man with a gray beard. He kept opening and closing the drapes as if he was signalling somebody. Then Shiner ran in the door and up the steps.
Friday, April 12, 2024
The Quiet Man
Dreams 4/12
First I dreamed that Oscar, my albino Cory catfish, was dead in the tank. In the second dream it was my first day teaching at a very large and overcrowded high-school. I could not find my classroom, and worse, I didn't even know what grade I was teaching. I plodded on and on, getting very tired. My feet were heavy, it was difficult, and by third period I hadn't accomplished anything.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Monday, April 8, 2024
Friday, April 5, 2024
Dreams 4/5
Dreamt I was home with my family, and Mummy was lying on the floor in the entryway to the livingroom. She had on tan corduroy pants with one leg bent and her arms outstretched. She stammered and puffed that she was having a heart attack over and over. I ran to the patio where Daddy was sitting in his chair. The beige old-fashioned phone was lying on the floor off the hook. I picked it up, but it wasn't working; so, I ran upstairs to my brother's room. He was probably in his twenties with rather short dark hair. He was lying on the floor wrapped in a dark blanket. He had a little phone that looked more like a pager. I told him to call 911 that Mummy was having a heart attack. He said that he already did.
In the next dream my college roommate, Susan, and I were standing outside a three-story turn-of-the-century style row house, it was dusk. We thought the house was empty so went in to explore. It was very dark, but seemed surprisingly clean. All of the floors were papered in a green and gold checkered zodiac symbols pattern. That was strange because it was Contact paper. We searched around the first couple of floors, but as we looked up to the third floor there was a little light, and what felt like a stirring. We went up, and a guy asked us if we were going to paint a chair. A dark haired woman appeared out of a room and asked us what we were doing there. She told us it was her shop, and basically to get lost.
So, we left the house and wandered into what looked like a craft fair. There was a woman with a table covered with her intricate wooden creations. There was a wooden doll, maybe nine inches tall with a face like an old-fashioned china. Her hair was dark and curly, carved, and burned as was her tiny face. Her body was completely pose-able being made from little wooden balls and wired. She wore a soft cotton red and black gown and cap adorned with handmade lace that made her look like a ladybug. There was a tiny price tag that said she was forty dollars. I left her and went into the ajoining room which was small and had two old arcade games. Kelly, my old roomie, was there. I was going through my old tapestry bag, counting my money to see if I should buy the doll. Mummy had given me the money. There was a fifty and a twenty, I was thinking I should save my money for Gettysburg. Then, we decided to look for Susan. Kelly said Susan was grose, and I started telling her off when I woke.
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Dreams 4/4
Dreamt that I worked with Bettas. I could take them from the water and handle them. The sash from my robe somehow ended up at the bottom of Felix's tank, and he was curled up sleeping in it. I worked with two men, one was a little black guy who wore outlandishly loud rainbow garb: I'm talking a stripey canvas top hat with a matching jacket. Ron and I were walking down the street and Rainbow Dude was sitting there, cross leegged, in the middle of the road. It was outside the place where we worked, and he said the other employee had called-off with laryngitis.
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Monday, April 1, 2024
Dreams 4/1
Dreamt that I was in a grocery store and just before the check-out ailse there was a squeaky werewolf toy. It was bigger than a Barbie, fuzzy, and gray. There was another only it was empty, not stuffed. Then, the good-looking werewolf from TRUE BLOOD, who was also in Pee Wee's Holiday and Metal Lords, was my boyfriend. I was living at home with my parents, it was my birthday. My parents got me a big red pick-up truck. It had an owl face with yellow feathers on the front driver's side. I had it parked across the street, and Joe was upset that I was going home. I told him I had a work party for Vlad in the morning. Then I jumped up and hugged him, wrapping my legs around him. This only made him angrier because he had a white emblem on the side of his truck, an abstract depiction of his old girlfriend, Candace, from my home room, doing the same wrap-around thing.
Helen Kish's Special Zsu Zse Barbary Coast
Specially dressed for a doll shop tea in Texas, Zsu Zse is part of Riley's World. I had planned on dressing her as a Native American. ...

Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...