Thursday, April 25, 2024

Dreams 4/25


Dreamed I found a little baby faery fox sleeping curled in a ball. He was smaller than a squirrel and sort of a cross between a red fox and a Firey from Labyrinth. I put a plastic keep over him, which was sort of like a bug house, and scooped him up. Then, in the same plastic container, I had a baby Betta. It was very tiny with a red head and black tail. I have a sugar egg that Mummy had gotten from a bridal shower in the sixties. The egg was in the container with the little fish. Then, I put two big Chinese goldfish in the keeper. The baby escaped into the egg, and I woke myself, distressed. 

No Wonder

  No wonder Merlin died, he was terrorized. Sir Frankie Crisp might've had me up at four this morning insistent on snuggabe, but he is a...