Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My Beautiful Betta

 Since I've already gotten a request to meet Julius, here, he is. He's a double tailed Betta, quite young, this is close-up. Mordred is an alien, also young, and Merlin, the bumblebee, has grown a lot because he eats too much. I try to limit him, but he shares his tank with four voracious tetra, and they compete. Actually I only got that tank for my neons, Tom and Tom, because Felix was going to kill them, they stole his food out from under him. So, those two were in this tank for eight months before Merlin came along. I got Nimue and Morgana, the black neon tetras, the same time as Merlin, and he chases those two round and round the amphora; I think, they're playing. Julius has only been with me a couple of days, but he's eating, responsive, and sweet. He does chase Neptune, the big peppered cory cat, who ended up switching tanks with Oscar, Felix's original housekeeper. I can't catch Oscar to move him back, he's too happy in the cylindrical tank. He loves that big fake plant in there that has made my life much easier. 

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