Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Everthing Old is New Again

 I was up, working on a painting as a birthday gift for a friend, spring cleaning, drinking cider, and eating tater tots last night when I started fussing with my plants. I didn't start the jungle, it follows me like nightshade. Plants and floral arrangements were Mummy's big thing. She was very crafty. She would love the latest arrangement that began with a crystal candy container from Ron's mother. It likely was his grandmother's because I have crystal from my great-grandmother. I was inspired by an arrangement in the therapist's office in Six Feet Under. The rocks at the bottom for drainage are interesting bits: a crumble I found on the ground at Captain Hood's Tomb, and bits of blue quartz, coal, and ancient arrow heads, I imagine, from beneath the cairn across the street that they removed to build condos. The soil is Bob's Bonsai Mix from Mutschler's Rare Plants, which Ron sings to the like of Ballroom Blitz. It has twenty-eight ingredients from across the country, and is some good stuff. Pluto, the blue mystery snail's shell that Percival trapped himself in, is the only accent besides a connecting bit of branch that Ron brought me from the woodpile that resembles a cock, but the balls are buried. The prunings are: parlor palm from Ron's mother's funeral, (Annie and Jay got that), bamboo from Mordred's tank, (that was not doing well there; so, I moved it to another container left from the funeral, filled with bonsai mix, aquarium leftovers, and water that I rarely have to change as I set it up as a terrarium from a lady who wrote the book on watergardens when a fish chanel I follow on You Tube hosted her as a guest), vinca vine, red Anthurium, that I call Mr. Rourke flowers, from a big old plant, and some purple Celosia, which I'm not sure will take. I think I got that in New Hope. My fish like it. You can just see Merlin at the top of the photo, but Mordred, and even Julius can see it, too. I've not introduced you to Julius yet as I've only had him a couple of days, but he's eating. I got him a new house that looks Flintstonian, and he's gorgeous: pink, white, blue, green, yellow, and red, with black spots. He even has a beauty mark. Stay tuned. Happy May Day! 

Top 10 Breathtaking Plants on Earth