Friday, April 5, 2024

Dreams 4/5


Dreamt I was home with my family, and Mummy was lying on the floor in the entryway to the livingroom. She had on tan corduroy pants with one leg bent and her arms outstretched. She stammered and puffed that she was having a heart attack over and over. I ran to the patio where Daddy was sitting in his chair. The beige old-fashioned phone was lying on the floor off the hook. I picked it up, but it wasn't working; so, I ran upstairs to my brother's room. He was probably in his twenties with rather short dark hair. He was lying on the floor wrapped in a dark blanket. He had a little phone that looked more like a pager. I told him to call 911 that Mummy was having a heart attack. He said that he already did. 

In the next dream my college roommate, Susan, and I were standing outside a three-story turn-of-the-century style row house, it was dusk. We thought the house was empty so went in to explore. It was very dark, but seemed surprisingly clean. All of the floors were papered in a green and gold checkered zodiac symbols pattern. That was strange because it was Contact paper. We searched around the first couple of floors, but as we looked up to the third floor there was a little light, and what felt like a stirring. We went up, and a guy asked us if we were going to paint a chair. A dark haired woman appeared out of a room and asked us what we were doing there. She told us it was her shop, and basically to get lost. 

So, we left the house and wandered into what looked like a craft fair. There was a woman with a table covered with her intricate wooden creations. There was a wooden doll, maybe nine inches tall with a face like an old-fashioned china. Her hair was dark and curly, carved, and burned as was her tiny face. Her body was completely pose-able being made from little wooden balls and wired. She wore a soft cotton red and black gown and cap adorned with handmade lace that made her look like a ladybug. There was a tiny price tag that said she was forty dollars. I left her and went into the ajoining room which was small and had two old arcade games. Kelly, my old roomie, was there. I was going through my old tapestry bag, counting my money to see if I should buy the doll. Mummy had given me the money. There was a fifty and a twenty, I was thinking I should save my money for Gettysburg. Then, we decided to look for Susan. Kelly said Susan was grose, and I started telling her off when I woke. 

No Wonder

  No wonder Merlin died, he was terrorized. Sir Frankie Crisp might've had me up at four this morning insistent on snuggabe, but he is a...