Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Midsomer Serial Killers
My college roomie was right. Midsomer will have you looking forward to murder. Up to season seventeen. Cutest side kick yet, and I'm not talking about the dog. I knew that baby would be Betty, too...
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Monday, January 29, 2024
Dreams 1/29
Best dream ever, so I shan't go into detail. It began in an old dark wet town, someplace like Old Alexandria but smaller and denser. I'd met a big hunky Latino, and think we were on a train. It was very old-fashioned: dark wood, and crammed with Victoriana. I was in his lavish, laid-out suite. His bed was just a cot's cushion with a white coverlet quilted with pink tulips and gold cord against the wall on the floor. There was creaking, so I think, we were moving. A dark haired woman appeared out of nowhere, not unfriendly. Manuel, as I later learned his name, was dressed in a simple white shirt and black pants. I wore a dress and was more voluptuous than I've ever been. There was a window, heavily hung with drapes, through which I could see the road. Manuel said he was taking me home and more. I remember he was very heavy, I'd fallen asleep with him when I woke.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Dreams 1/28
Dreamt that I was back in high school and had been given two lead roles in two plays by two different teachers all in a day. I didn't try out. What's more both were more like omnibuses than plays, and I hadn't even read either of them. The one was Their Eyes Were Watching God, but not really, rather, it was four inches thick, and if it was a play it would've taken all day. They were both worn old paper backs, one had a turquoise cover with white script and the other was hot pink with a dark title.There were two girls from high school in my classes: Bridget and Carla. Somehow I had lost the fat pink book and was running all over the school looking for it, sliding down banisters, and all. I was thinking I was going to have to quit a play already, maybe both.
In the second dream Ron and I were settlers, I think it was colonial America. There were natives, but they were white. We set up our tent, it was just sort of an open faced, small, canopy or shelter with a sliding screen in the front. We had some Mexican blankets on the ground inside. There were some people outside, and I was asking Ron if I should cover the right-hand-side in plastic. That's what I was doing, and was thinking about a gun, when I woke.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Dreams 1/27
Dreamt I was working for DCI Barnaby, and there was a scorpion as big as a lap dog trotting at his heels.
The next dream took place in the backyard where I grew up as well as the house next door. Mummy was there. There was an older male neighbor who lived over the hill who was giving me some trouble. Mummy had a bird's nest.
Friday, January 26, 2024
Dawn in Vintage Goddess
Dreams 1/25
First dreamt that Mummy and Daddy took me to a fair. They were still setting up when we got there, so there wasn't a lot going on at first. There were some Native Americans, rocks, and crystals. It was around dusk and pretty dusty. I'd found a big tabular twin crystal specimen beneath a pink and white shawl at the bottom of a big wooden crate. The place was really starting to fill up now. Since I didn't see much that interested me I left my parents and went back to find the crystal. I was digging through the crate looking for the crystal when the proprietor of the spot came upon me. He was older with gray hair, a white tee shirt, tan pants, and greasy. He grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go, trying to feel me up, smiling all the while. I was squirming and screaming for help from the old pervert when I woke myself. Then, I fell back into the same dream. Now, I was beyond the dirty old creep, looking for my parents. I thought I was moving towards the front: the hills and the parking lot where we came in. It was really crowded now with sheets separating the different stalls full of rocks and native artifacts from what I can remember. A simple looking blonde fellow caught up with me from behind and gave me three big crystals. He said, "just for being free", but they were heavy, and I told him they would only drag me down. I was already carrying a tapestry tote. The one crystal was nearly big as a basket ball, and the others were about the size of apples. As I looked at them I noticed they all had etchings, so they looked like houses with windows and doors. A painted, feathered native, scantily clad, ran past me. I still couldn't find my parents when I woke and went into the second dream.
The second dream took place in the forties it seems by the clothing and surroundings. I was working in a grocery store with a younger man in his twenties, the owner's son. We had left the one store and gone to another, his, I think. I remember leaving the store and seeing stuffed animals, an elephant, and a giraffe, maybe, outside the entrance: the last two free gifts for donating to some cause, remaining on a small table covered in a white cloth. The elephant was a wooly charcoal color, and I wanted him. We went into yet another store and there were tables of books at the front like you'd see at a book fair or library sale. The one slim paperback had a black and white picture of a Confederate on the front. I picked it up and told the boy he'd like it. Then, he made a pass at me. I told him I loved him, and he might love me like a mother because I was much too old for him. He was angry, machismo came to mind. Told him it wasn't new: was asked to the prom twice, student teaching, and propositioned many a times while teaching: only one, who had written a note, was still salty with me when I told him I was never desperate enough to go for students. Two, stalked me for twenty years when I finally had to get nasty with them. I was getting bored with him and woke.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Gypsy Redressed
Gypsy in a beautiful silk handmade hundred-year-old christening gown and a cute sweater to keep her warm. Ron doesn't like her. He also thinks the Hawaiian, is "hideous" though, so he doesn't like any of my Children of the World. They're my favorites. No accounting for taste. He also thinks Tori Spelling is hot. He does like horses.
Thirteen Makes A Coven
Aw, I got my first Himstedt in my twenties while I was waiting tables. Paid for her in a week. That church crowd rocks. She's still my most expensive, a German, I've got three, and have willed her to my Best Witch. Anyways, I'd wanted Munira for awhile, now. No wonder, she's adorable! I've always had a thing for gypsies, anybody who knows me, knows. Probably because Grandma said the gypsies used to camp where my high school was. She said that was the only time they locked the doors. Cher isn't really a gypsy or an Indian. She's just another faker as usual. Munira is a hunky Sinti gypsy. Like Shireem, (Mirth), Maniloa, (Ginger), Tacuma, (Crazy Horse), Panchita, (Esmerelda), and Anila, (Deva), I've changed her name to Gypsy. Like my Darcinians, she is my last Himstedt. I've also got: Tara, Pauline, Liri, Morgana, Aura, Thabi, and Minou. Not saying I'm not planning on buying them as gifts, though. I am. Only a big diamond trumps a Himmie in my book. She's having a good time with Mr. Hoo-doo De'Voo-doo.
Dreams 1/24
First dreamt that my family was moving to my Uncle Barry's old house. Strange, but there were also a few old women who were already living there, upstairs. The one had short gray hair and was wearing a blue and white beaded cap. The three of them were sitting round a table. The house was clean and empty, otherwise. It was different from the actual house. I think it had an extra floor. Mummy and Daddy were there, we were only just moving in.
The next dream took place at a huge party. I was upstairs and had an enormous Monster High play set that had a pool on the roof. I was filling it with water. There were a bunch of little girls playing. Then, I went downstairs, I think, I was called. There was a Jack Russell who was outside in the garden which was rather muddy. A little dark haired girl was out there having a tea party.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Dreams 1/21
Dreamt I was hanging out with a blonde girl. We took a road trip to the country and were drinking vodka lemonade.
Dreams 1/20
Dreamt of Adinda for the third time this month. We were sitting facing each other, both of us were wearing red chiffon gowns only mine was bandeau type, and her's was a plunging V bodice. It was my old gown handed down to her. Her hair was long and loose, and she ran her hands through it, tossing it over her shoulders. She was young and very pretty. I said that her gown was fitted with foam lifts at the bust, as I'd remembered; but, she said, not and lifted her breasts to show they were all her's.
Then, I was on a bus going on a field trip to a farm with my students. I think Ron was on the bus too. Everybody got little souvenir crystal swan ornaments in blue velvet draw string bags for remembrance.
Friday, January 19, 2024
Dreams 1/18
Epic dreams come with snow. Three, and two are connected. First I dreamt of a beautiful Mandarin woman with short dark hair. She sat in a bright room in front of a mirror. She was getting her hair cut even shorter, shaved at the nape of her neck, for her daughter. She was getting angry as there was some discrepancy, and somebody was stealing her hair.
Next, I dreamt that I had to stop by Ron's brother's house for something to do with school. Only, as usual, he was not Ron's brother, and it wasn't his house. I was in the cellar with another girl when David Pribish came in. He wore a Picasso looking raincoat. I wanted to go, then. But, there was some hub-bub with another brother, who looked much like an old student of mine, a musician named Jeremiah. He had to go in the back for some wine. He came back covered in red wine claiming the bottle had broken. Then, he intentionally rubbed the sticky mess all over me by giving me a big sloppy hug. I was furious and went to wash it off.
Finally, and this is the best part of the trip, the part I really like, I was back in Pittsburgh in Mummy's kitchen. I received a colorful yellow Victorian collage postcard from my friend, Amber, inviting me to a tea party. The party was downtown, and I parked my car. The spot was amazing, a very old, sprawling one-story building full of bric-a-brac and dark wood. It had an open floor plan and was wonderfully crammed full of Victoriana of all sorts. The walls were all painted differently with murals of all kinds. Amber worked here. I was sitting down at a round table covered in a pale blue cloth talking to her when she presented me a box with a raised plastic crystalline cameo sort of lid, also, pale blue. Inside were all sorts of little antique goodies: a rusted little angel with a bit of a crack afixed to a paper scrap, little pins, and other things, a personal party favor. I was delighted. I told Amber about having been molested with the wine earlier. The place was full of guests, some in Victorian garb. We moved to the front of the building. There was intricately carved wainscotting of flowering vines in dark wood and a marvelous mural of a palm tree with a gold backdrop. I asked Amber if it had ever been a travel agency, and she assured me, it had. I was wondering what it was before that. A brothel, maybe? Then, I saw my old friend, Rene, only she was different, younger. Also, there was a buff colored shaggy dog that I knew. I explained to Amber that I used to work with Rene, so was real surpised and excited to see her and the dog again. Rene told me the Job Corps had closed, and she and the dog came here. She said she didn't miss the Job Corps because it was a mess. I moved on to a side corridor with a fabulous hedgerow topiary mural. There were white flowers and birds in the hedges with a yellow background. There were two twin beds, and my dear friend, Becky Dowling, was lounging on one with a red and gold brocade spread. She said she lived there. A man was asking if he could buy some pussy, I told him he might get the other half, here, and he laughed. It was now time to grab our favor boxes and go. Amber had already gone. There was a blonde in a blue and white cotton Victorian dress like something you'd wear on a holiday to the beach and a little pillbox hat with a red bow. She carried a big cotton stuffed red and white striped stick with a blue print of a woman's face at the top, sort of like a Gibson Girl. She was ordering everybody out. I went to get my box, but it was different with a round ceramic little painting of a pastoral scene with little people, and the contents were not the same, maybe better; but, I couldn't find my car keys which I had left in my box. I was looking through other boxes of bitty things like little pins, all tempting, but I wanted my keys and noticed a blonde slide my box beneath a coverlet on a sofa. I grabbed it and her arm. She was very upset, and said she had switched our boxes, as she wanted mine. I opened the box: still, no keys. I let her go and take the box with her. I still had the round one. By now the woman with the rag stuffed stick and another were trying to bully me out. I was to the point of tears, screaming about my keys, grabbed her stupid soft stick, and was beating her with it when I forced myself awake.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Dreams 1/18
Pretty ugly nightmare lastnight. It began at school in the country. I'd gotten a ride with a strange man, north, on the interstate. We weren't riding long before we came upon scores of enormous birds of prey: hawks, owls, and buzzards, all kinds. Then, I was out of his truck and into a rural village of houses, shacks, and outbuildings. I was sort of crawling and poking around. The first shack I entered was a mess, and I was hiding from the inhabitants. It was really creepy. Think I got chased out of there and into more of a house. A fireman in a charcoal colored cloak entered, and I latched on to his back like a tick. He took me outside. It was dark, now. He was thinking about keeping me, but another fireman said he couldn't. I was on the run again, and more, but woke myself.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Dreams 1/17
Dreamt I was at a greenhouse with Mummy and a lot of girls. Looked like a Girl Scouts meeting or something. I recall open air and rafters. We were at long wooden tables talking and working on something. Mummy told a young dark haired girl that Daddy and I used to be so close, but she should hear the things he says about me, now. Think that later I was waiting in a line, indoors. It was darker.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Dreams 1/16
Dreamt I'd gotten a new old Himstedt doll. She was an Asian, similar to Shireem, but taller and thinner, more like An Mei. She wasn't either of them, though. Her hair was shorter, like Shireem, and she had a velveteen body. She was naked. She came along with a case, something like an old plastic sewing machine tote. When I opened it I was surprised to find a doll house, just like The Magic Shoppe in every aspect including a Vlad doll, only smaller. There was also a jumble of things in the bottom like a square gold locket and a pair of crystal earrings like you'd get at Claire's Boutique as well as a beaded top for the doll. I went into the den to show Ron.
In the next dream Ron and I went to the mall for a Christmas craft show. It was strange: dark and all the shops were closed. A lot of the craft tables were covered with sheets. There were scores of school aged kids there as if on field trips. After walking around for a bit Ron went home, but said I could stay. There was a woman with stuffed polar bears wearing big pine cones, red berries, and sprays of winter greens like helmets. She was using one like a puppet trying to sell me. Soon I became lost. I couldn't find the shops that I knew were by the entrance where I came in. A woman put a tiny red plastic circle, big as a link on a chain or a pen top, in the bottom seam on the back of my jacket. She said something like, "for safety, in case you become lost." I had met with a blonde young man and was coming out from behind a sheet when I woke.
Monday, January 15, 2024
Dreams 1/15
Dreamt I was in a sunny little diner with Alex, and we were playing flutter Starlight. Then, an uppity little blonde dressed in hot pink with a bobbed hair-cut joined us. She was real jumpy and put a damper on everything.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Dreams 1/14
Dreamt that I was maybe twelve, outside on the school playground. Mummy was there and Jeff, a boy from grade school. I was going to a friendly sort of dance with him for school, he had a real girlfriend. I was wearing my high school prom dress, sitting on the green bench outside the kindergarten. Jeff's dad joined us. Jeff had a couple of gifts for me: a pair of sheer peachy pink boy cut panties that matched my dress and a pendant.
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Dreams 1/13
Dreamt that Mummy and I passed a very posh bar. It was dark with red ambient lighting. I stopped off for a cider. Will, the good-looking old bartender from Margaritaville, was the keep. I was waiting and waiting for my cider that never came. I told Mummy. Now, I had a date. He looked a lot like Jamie from The Sinner, season three, or a boy, Jonathan, I knew from college. When it came time to leave he wanted to come along, but I wouldn't let him.
Friday, January 12, 2024
Dreams 1/12
Couple of long indescriptive kinds of dreams:first, I was at some sort of huge craft festival held either outdoors in tents or in a parking lot, maybe both. There was a long table of felted Disney items. Not sure what they were, pillowcases and tea cozies, maybe. There was a big Cheshire Cat head that a young black girl in a soft yellow hat was looking over. I had a companion, I believe, but not sure who she was. I was walking for a long time thinking that there was nothing there worth buying. It was a bust.
Next, I was in a crowded old-fashioned diner; one of my old students was there. At least, I think he was an old student, know I know him from somewhere: big dark haired boy. Maybe he was just a boy at school I didn't have in class. He was plotting something, all that I know.
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...