Thursday, January 18, 2024

Dreams 1/18

 Pretty ugly nightmare lastnight. It began at school in the country. I'd gotten a ride with a strange man, north, on the interstate. We weren't riding long before we came upon scores of enormous birds of prey: hawks, owls, and buzzards, all kinds. Then, I was out of his truck and into a rural village of houses, shacks, and outbuildings. I was sort of crawling and poking around. The first shack I entered was a mess, and I was hiding from the inhabitants. It was really creepy. Think I got chased out of there and into more of a house. A fireman in a charcoal colored cloak entered, and I latched on to his back like a tick. He took me outside. It was dark, now. He was thinking about keeping me, but another fireman said he couldn't. I was on the run again, and more, but woke myself. 


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