Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Dreams 1/16

 Dreamt I'd gotten a new old Himstedt doll. She was an Asian, similar to Shireem, but taller and thinner, more like An Mei. She wasn't either of them, though. Her hair was shorter, like Shireem, and she had a velveteen body. She was naked. She came along with a case, something like an old plastic sewing machine tote. When I opened it I was surprised to find a doll house, just like The Magic Shoppe in every aspect including a Vlad doll, only smaller. There was also a jumble of things in the bottom like a square gold locket and a pair of crystal earrings like you'd get at Claire's Boutique as well as a beaded top for the doll. I went into the den to show Ron. 

In the next dream Ron and I went to the mall for a Christmas craft show. It was strange: dark and all the shops were closed. A lot of the craft tables were covered with sheets. There were scores of school aged kids there as if on field trips. After walking around for a bit Ron went home, but said I could stay. There was a woman with stuffed polar bears wearing big pine cones, red berries, and sprays of winter greens like helmets. She was using one like a puppet trying to sell me. Soon I became lost. I couldn't find the shops that I knew were by the entrance where I came in. A woman put a tiny red plastic circle, big as a link on a chain or a pen top, in the bottom seam on the back of my jacket. She said something like, "for safety, in case you become lost." I had met with a blonde young man and was coming out from behind a sheet when I woke. 


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