Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thirteen Makes A Coven


Aw, I got my first Himstedt in my twenties while I was waiting tables. Paid for her in a week. That church crowd rocks. She's still my most expensive, a German, I've got three, and have willed her to my Best Witch. Anyways, I'd wanted Munira for awhile, now. No wonder, she's adorable! I've always had a thing for gypsies, anybody who knows me, knows. Probably because Grandma said the gypsies used to camp where my high school was. She said that was the only time they locked the doors. Cher isn't really a gypsy or an Indian. She's just another faker as usual. Munira is a hunky Sinti gypsy. Like Shireem, (Mirth), Maniloa, (Ginger), Tacuma, (Crazy Horse), Panchita, (Esmerelda), and Anila, (Deva), I've changed her name to Gypsy. Like my Darcinians, she is my last Himstedt. I've also got: Tara, Pauline, Liri, Morgana, Aura, Thabi, and Minou. Not saying I'm not planning on buying them as gifts, though. I am. Only a big diamond trumps a Himmie in my book. She's having a good time with Mr. Hoo-doo De'Voo-doo. 


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