Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dreams 1/28

 Dreamt that I was back in high school and had been given two lead roles in two plays by two different teachers all in a day. I didn't try out. What's more both were more like omnibuses than plays, and I hadn't even read either of them. The one was Their Eyes Were Watching God, but not really, rather, it was four inches thick, and if it was a play it would've taken all day. They were both worn old paper backs, one had a turquoise cover with white script and the other was hot pink with a dark title.There were two girls from high school in my classes: Bridget and Carla.  Somehow I had lost the fat pink book and was running all over the school looking for it, sliding down banisters, and all. I was thinking I was going to have to quit a play already, maybe both. 

In the second dream Ron and I were settlers, I think it was colonial America. There were natives, but they were white. We set up our tent, it was just sort of an open faced, small, canopy or shelter with a sliding screen in the front. We had some Mexican blankets on the ground inside. There were some people outside, and I was asking Ron if I should cover the right-hand-side in plastic. That's what I was doing, and was thinking about a gun, when I woke. 

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

  From the ever so naughty Sir Frankie Crisp. Some of you already know that his new things are reaching down inside of the toaster and leapi...