Friday, March 31, 2023
Dreams 3/30
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Dreams 3/28
Couple of odd dreams last night thanks to pinot noir. Let's see what I remember. First, my girlfriend, Tonya, was hosting a doll show in a convention type of hall. Ron was there and didn't want me around a woman, who he said, had poison fingers. Then, I was living in a small sort of apartment or duplex with another woman who was supposedly a close relative. There was a tall guy with dark curly hair that was doing some work on the place, remodeling or construction. Anyways, my relative begrudgingly gave him twenty dollars for lunch. She wasn't happy with him or did not trust him for some reason. Then, he said, "I'll take fourteen", and left six on the kitchen table.
Monday, March 27, 2023
Spring Flowers
We've had flowers for a couple weeks, now. There are wild forget-me-nots, bluestars, and bluets. I planted seeds yesterday: sunflowers, butterfly perennials, (free from Birds & Blooms magazine), baby's breath, and basil. I might pick-up some pansies today. Pennsylvania would be wonderful if not for the commies.
Dreams 3/27
This odd dream began in a big old school. I think it was for boys. I was in the cafeteria, and there were all sorts of seed packets for sale on a metal rack in the line. Some of the packets were regular sized, but others were smaller. There were lovely little paintings on them: red birds, landscapes, and churches instead of the normal flower photographs. I had a tiny packet with cardinals in my hand, but put them back. I was light on money. Then, I found myself on a stairway, on the way to the restrooms. I hurried out when I realized I was in the boys room. Then, I went to work. I had my old blue car, Mr. Rourke, but he was different. I parked him in a parking garage. When I came out from working in a grocery store, all of our cars were gone. My boss said they were stacked on a car carrier, and I had to pay fifteen dollars to unload him. I said I only had some change, and he told me to scrape for it. When I finally got Mr. Rourke, he was very different. He had a big black phantom horse with him who would not cooperate. I was trying to coax him, and he wasn't happy.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Dreams 3/26
Dreamt Ron, Shiner, and I were walking in the woods around a covered bridge. I made a turn and got lost. There was a long moss covered restroom with eaves, inside, the stalls were empty: no toilets. I was calling for Shiner as if he was the lost one.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Friday, March 24, 2023
Dreams 3/24
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Dreams 3/23
Dreamt I was working with the stripper guy from Bad Mom's Christmas. We weren't stripping, rather, working at The Italian Oven. It must've been after hours as we were having a sort of meeting or session with a nun in full habit. The three of us were on metal folding chairs. The stripper guy told the nun that he used to be a nun, too. When I got out of that meeting I could hardly wait to party with my old boss, John, from The Italian Oven. I walked to the top of a set of bleachers. Don't know why we were partying in an old dark gym. John wasn't there, yet, and I was already drinking with my friend Matt, from kindergarten. We were drinking some sort of cocktails when John showed up with red wine. I told him about the stripper being a nun and we were laughing. I said I thought he meant a monk.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Monday, March 20, 2023
Dreams 3/19
Dreamt I was in the back seat of an old car. I was painting my nails sky blue. The dream was so realistic that I was afraid I'd smudge my nails in bed with my blanket. There was an older woman driving, she had an old sixties style hair do. A younger girl with sandy hair was in the front passenger seat. When we got where we were going I hitched a ride with Linda Hamilton, aka Sarah Connor. She had a robin's egg blue Chevy Nova that needed a new muffler. She was younger, in her thirties, I'd say, with a short bobbed hair cut. We seemed to be on the run.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Dreams 3/17
Dreamt I was at a fashion academy. I was sitting in an auditorium watching the head instructor who looked suspiciously like Prince. He had two girls on stage with him. The one was unremarkable, but the other was dressed as the goddess America, according to head master Prince. She looked like a cockroach. The dress was brown and flapper meets armadillo. The armadillo won. It had layers of what looked like big scales and a little matching cap formed out of two scales. Next, Prince had a good looking Latino boy who must've been dressed like a conquistador. That was until Prince got to him and made him more like the Hawaiian King Kamehameha. Apparently Rico Suave could not stand up in his current garments, however, as by the time the dream ended he was on the floor of the stage, sliding around like a fish out of water, trying to stand back up. Prince was no help. He seemed angered that Rico could not wear his fashion.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Mummy's Dolls
When I was a child I knew my mother's dolls were behind a wall in her old room at my grandmother's. How I used to imagine what they'd be like. When I was in high-school my grandfather passed away, and the wallpaper came down. There were loads of dolls from the forties and fifties, but most of them fell to bits. There was a leather cowgirl, she was the only other big doll besides the Ideal Bride, here, and Toni, who I also have. My brother brought the bride and Toni out to me last Christmas. Toni is looking good, but the bride was a mess that most would just toss her out. She was in pieces, and her head was full of cracks. These dolls are what they called celluloid, but they're really just hard paper pulp like paper mache, imagine a hollow chocolate Easter bunny versus a solid one. That's the difference between these dolls and a wooden doll like a Shoenhut. I'd restrung and cleaned up both the bride and Toni when I was a junior in high-school. When I was in my twenties I discovered how fragile these dolls really were when the bride fell forward and hit her face. It was full of cracks. So, this is her second face lift. She actually looks better this time. Shows what time and love can do. The first time I painted her and finished her with an antique medium. The cracks were fixed, but she was matte and you could see the brushstrokes, so she looked amateur and unoriginal. This time, I tried to keep her as original as possible, considering her circumstances, which weren't good. When Glenn brought her to me, originally I had tried to sand her face to refinish her, which didn't help out with her cracks at all. So, first, I filled all of her cracks, inside and out with Super Glue Fix All Adhesive. Then, and this is key, I found COLOR SHOT Skinny Dip Satin paint + primer spray paint. She was already apart, and I took her out on the back porch on a foil covered old cookie sheet and gave her body two coats, each side, flipping her, allowing her to dry between each coat. I covered her eyes with paper tape and gave her head three coats each side, although the back of her head is covered with her original wig. Then, her body got two more coats of satin finish, her head got three. I painted and made up her face lightly with make up and tried to rub out most of the imperfections with my fingers and a polishing cloth. I also used a toothpick to perfect my mistakes, and some cotton swabs with the same paint and satin finish. Although Mummy had plenty of Nancy Anne Storybook dolls, too, those had fallen to bits. My friend had sent me a box of dolls she'd won, and this was one of them. I thought she was a lot worse off than she was. Really, she just needed cleaned up and a new wig. She's The Queen of Hearts and will be sweet for Valentine's Day. I washed her gown in cool water and Woolite and dried it between paper towels. It only needed a snap sewn on the back. I wiped her off and touched up her chipped shoes with a Sharpie. Her wig is wool and glued on.
Lucky Shake
My Lucky Shake rocks, it's got:
Mint chocolate chip ice cream
2% milk
Crush Ice
Peppermint Whipped Cream
Green sprinkle sugar, like for cupcakes
A New Irish Blessing
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Dreams 3/15: Nearly Forgotten
Turkey Tail Mushrooms
Watching Fabulous Fungi on Net-flicks I saw how a woman in her eighties attributed her breast cancer survival to turkey tail mushrooms. There were a load growing behind The Little Witches House in the woodpile on a log. I learned online to remove them with a sharp knife, and dry them. It wasn't easy to remove them, and my hand was sore, but it seemed to benefit my hands which are prone to blisters and rashes. I gathered them in a brown bag. I did not have a spare screen lying around to dry them on, so put them in a colander near a sunny window, stirring them with a wooden spoon a couple of times a day. They were dry within a few days. I ground them in the blender, and put them in a big jam jar. I sent these across the country to a friend. I'd left some of the mushrooms, I'd taken, hoping they would grow back, but I guess it got cold, and they didn't. The next month I went out to look, I only got a little bit, not worth sending. I'd treated them the same way and got enough to fill the bottom of a mustard jar. I decided to try them, as I've been sick, and they supposedly support immunity, while cleaning the liver. It sort of makes sense when you consider how they grow on dying trees. I added a spoonful to some mushroom pho. I did not heat them, as I was concerned about affecting their medicinal properties, so I added them, last, to the hot soup. I was surprised that they were tasteless. They were like eating pebbles, though, and I found that I could not swallow the bigger bits. This is how you do it: put them in a tea strainer and seep them for two minutes in hot soup. I left the strainer in my soup until I finished to take full advantage. It was very good.
Dreams 3/16
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
The Ant Hill
The Ant Hill
Love & Ants
There are sweet ants creeping into the hall from the garage. Told Ron, I'd already fought these in a hundred-year-old house in Oakland, eventually winning by jamming my used coffee grinds down through the jambs in the floor, but there's no telling him. They nest in concrete, that's how I know where they're coming from. In Oakland it was from an old concrete utility closet along the brick driveway. There's some kind of acid in the coffee grinds that is repellent to them, where those store bought ant traps attract and aren't safe for pets. Anyways, Ron moved a bunch of stuff like he does when he becomes obsessed, including Mary Queen of Scots and her fourth husband, Matt Magical. He moved them to the chair, and I happened to capture them this morning. Look how happy she is, even in her dusty gown.
Dreams 3/14
Couple more humdingers courtesy of My Pillow and a large margarita. First, I dreamt I was here in my bedroom with the dolls. I had a large clown doll, about two feet long, with a porcelain head and hands. He had a baggy blue and white spotty suit. I'd hung him in the corner of the door. When I tried to shut the door, which was painted impressionistic in drippy running woodland oils with a tragic woman's face in the middle, it would not close, so I continuously tried to force it. The facade of the door along with the painting split and split, but I kept at it until I realized the clown's hand was caught in the jamb and broken. I was pretty bummed about that, more with the doll's hand than the split door.
The next dream was a lot longer and worse. I was working with a tall dark haired woman in what seemed to be some kind of expansive cellar. Then, all the other employees, maybe twenty, appeared to be on the run from something. We were lined up against a damp stone wall, and the dark haired woman was rubbing against me, only she was a man. Somehow, the master of the place was speaking to us, perhaps it was an intercom, because I don't remember seeing him, but he was saying that most were blue eyed ghosts, but there were a few green eyed demons among us. Then, most of their irises took over their eyes, and they became totally milky electric blue. But, there was another, young dark haired girl, whose eyes were bright spring green, and the trannie's dark eyes went green, too. My eyes are green. Then, we took off, running, through what seemed to be an underground concrete tunnel. Ahead of me a man crept into a window, that was only half open, into the kitchen of a dark old Victorian house. There was a little woman, there, with blonde up swept hair, as well as her son. She was baking something, cutting out pieces of flour. Somebody, and I can't be certain who, got their throat slit, so I turned around instead of entering the house. Don't know how I emerged from the tunnels, but I did, into an old cemetery full of fantastic marble statues. The rest of the crew, blue eyed, and the trannie, were already there. I was moving through and over the immense statues that were much bigger than any ordinary statues. There were roses and medallions that were half as big as me, for scale. Giant lions and other figures met together, but a big man with flowing hair and outstretched arms dominated the place. I was still trying to escape the trannie, moving over the marble, as it was trying to bite me when I woke.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Virgil's Garden
Virgil's Garden
Dreams 3/12
Dreamt that Ron and I got married on a boat. There was more to it, like, I think, Daddy, dancing, and a buffet, but I can't really recall a lot of details. If I get up after a dream and go back to sleep without writing it down or telling somebody about it, it's usually lost.
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Dreams 3/10
Friday, March 10, 2023
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...