Friday, March 31, 2023

Dreams 3/30

Dreamt I was teaching, here, in Pennsylvania, with plans to move back down south, again, to North Carolina. My students and colleagues were not happy with my decision. My ex was with me. The school was an enormous high school. My ex and I had reached a circular landing off the stairs. He wore a leather patched poncho and a hat. I was wearing a pink knitted tam cap with a big pom pom. We were much younger. A very tall white boy, at least six- foot- eight, as he dwarfed my ex who was six foot five, with scary eyes, (one was wounded), and dark hair started terrorizing me. My ex kept stepping in front of him. The bully took a swing at me, missed his footing, came down, and hit his forehead, hard on a wooden bench in front of the windows that surrounded the landing. I was looking for somebody to tell, to get help, but all I could find were students, and none seemed helpful. A scared little Mexican, and this guy was way too old to be a student, and very unkempt, in a long green ARMY jacket, came up to my ex, and Paul wanted to know if he had his gun. The Mexican kept saying, "They beat me.". Obviously, he didn't have a gun. Paul handed me a plastic cup of water that he'd already drank from, saying we were going to be there awhile, and couldn't get worms. 

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