Saturday, April 1, 2023
Dreams 4/1
Dreamt that I was back at the old house in Oakland. My ex, sister-in-law, and her friend weren't present, but I knew they were around. The place was filthy. There was dust and garbage everywhere. I was going around with huge garbage bags, like the ones for the lawn, trying to contend with it. There was a half empty case of rose wine in the kitchen. I was drinking some. It was bad, but I don't like rose wine. Don't know why I was cleaning up, but it seemed like any human being would want to.
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...