Thursday, March 16, 2023

Dreams 3/16

My dream began at a large gathering, like a wedding. There were thousands of people sitting outside in the bright sunlight on the ground, in formation, waiting for the meal. They had brought out a sort of wooden picnic bench for me and a couple of others to sit on. They were waiting for me. Then, we were at a complex of sorts, it was rather old-fashioned with a courtyard. I'd say it was Greek meets Victoriana as there was marble but it was pretty dark and cluttered. I had a long haired cat that was clinging to my neck. I'd upset somebody important it seemed and was on the run with my cat through the courtyard. A white man in a suit was neck to neck with me and shot his pistol at close range, no idea how he missed me, or how I lost him. I hid beneath a pine tree and waited a bit. Then, a young woman came out of her marble temple of a house and motioned me in. She had dark up-swept hair and was wearing long flowing robes in a pink and white cherry print. She said the same thing had happened to her and opened a broom closet under the stairs in the front hall that led to another part of the house. I was at another sort of meeting, only this time, smaller, and enclosed. An Elijah Wood look-a-like seemed to be the VIP this time. I still had my cat. I told Elijah that she had a tendency of pouncing on mens' heads, tearing at their scalps, and clawing their eyes out. He seemed pleased. I told him I had to pee. The bathroom was another story and I had to wait with Elijah to get in. I guess my cat had slipped away because before the blonde girl came from the bathroom, I was kissing Elijah. We were sitting on the floor like Indians. Once I was in the bathroom, and I use the term real loosely, Elijah was still waiting at the door, frantic, that I would "pee on Bach". The "toilet" was a big bin full of river rocks. You had to hover over it, on a red felted wrought iron music stand to pee. It wouldn't have worked, but I really had to pee. The room was small, cracked wood, unkempt, and dark. When I was done the dream seemed to become a different world as I was now living in a dark apartment across town from my best friend, Theresa, and her son, Thomas. I lived at the top of a small but steep hill. My bedroom was big and dark, there was a very big bed but little else. Theresa wanted me to move in with her. I sure dream about bathrooms and cats a lot. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats