Thursday, March 16, 2023

Turkey Tail Mushrooms

Watching Fabulous Fungi on Net-flicks I saw how a woman in her eighties attributed her breast cancer survival to turkey tail mushrooms. There were a load growing behind The Little Witches House in the woodpile on a log. I learned online to remove them with a sharp knife, and dry them. It wasn't easy to remove them, and my hand was sore, but it seemed to benefit my hands which are prone to blisters and rashes. I gathered them in a brown bag. I did not have a spare screen lying around to dry them on, so put them in a colander near a sunny window, stirring them with a wooden spoon a couple of times a day. They were dry within a few days. I ground them in the blender, and put them in a big jam jar. I sent these across the country to a friend. I'd left some of the mushrooms, I'd taken, hoping they would grow back, but I guess it got cold, and they didn't. The next month I went out to look, I only got a little bit, not worth sending. I'd treated them the same way and got enough to fill the bottom of a mustard jar. I decided to try them, as I've been sick, and they supposedly support immunity, while cleaning the liver. It sort of makes sense when you consider how they grow on dying trees. I added a spoonful to some mushroom pho. I did not heat them, as I was concerned about affecting their medicinal properties, so I added them, last, to the hot soup. I was surprised that they were tasteless. They were like eating pebbles, though, and I found that I could not swallow the bigger bits. This is how you do it: put them in a tea strainer and seep them for two minutes in hot soup. I left the strainer in my soup until I finished to take full advantage. It was very good. 

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