Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Dreams 3/14

Couple more humdingers courtesy of My Pillow and a large margarita. First, I dreamt I was here in my bedroom with the dolls. I had a large clown doll, about two feet long, with a porcelain head and hands. He had a baggy blue and white spotty suit. I'd hung him in the corner of the door. When I tried to shut the door, which was painted impressionistic in drippy running woodland oils with a tragic woman's face in the middle, it would not close, so I continuously tried to force it. The facade of the door along with the painting split and split, but I kept at it until I realized the clown's hand was caught in the jamb and broken. I was pretty bummed about that, more with the doll's hand than the split door. 

The next dream was a lot longer and worse. I was working with a tall dark haired woman in what seemed to be some kind of expansive cellar. Then, all the other employees, maybe twenty, appeared to be on the run from something. We were lined up against a damp stone wall, and the dark haired woman was rubbing against me, only she was a man. Somehow, the master of the place was speaking to us, perhaps it was an intercom, because I don't remember seeing him, but he was saying that most were blue eyed ghosts, but there were a few green eyed demons among us. Then, most of their irises took over their eyes, and they became totally milky electric blue. But, there was another, young dark haired girl, whose eyes were bright spring green, and the trannie's dark eyes went green, too. My eyes are green. Then, we took off, running, through what seemed to be an underground concrete tunnel. Ahead of me a man crept into a window, that was only half open, into the kitchen of a dark old Victorian house. There was a little woman, there, with blonde up swept hair, as well as her son. She was baking something, cutting out pieces of flour. Somebody, and I can't be certain who, got their throat slit, so I turned around instead of entering the house. Don't know how I emerged from the tunnels, but I did, into an old cemetery full of fantastic marble statues. The rest of the crew, blue eyed, and the trannie, were already there. I was moving through and over the immense statues that were much bigger than any ordinary statues. There were roses and medallions that were half as big as me, for scale. Giant lions and other figures met together, but a big man with flowing hair and outstretched arms dominated the place. I was still trying to escape the trannie, moving over the marble, as it was trying to bite me when I woke. 

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