Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Love & Ants

There are sweet ants creeping into the hall from the garage. Told Ron, I'd already fought these in a hundred-year-old house in Oakland, eventually winning by jamming my used coffee grinds down through the jambs in the floor, but there's no telling him. They nest in concrete, that's how I know where they're coming from. In Oakland it was from an old concrete utility closet along the brick driveway. There's some kind of acid in the coffee grinds that is repellent to them, where those store bought ant traps attract and aren't safe for pets. Anyways, Ron moved a bunch of stuff like he does when he becomes obsessed, including Mary Queen of Scots and her fourth husband, Matt Magical. He moved them to the chair, and I happened to capture them this morning. Look how happy she is, even in her dusty gown. 

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