Thursday, March 23, 2023

Dreams 3/23

Dreamt I was working with the stripper guy from Bad Mom's Christmas. We weren't stripping, rather, working at The Italian Oven. It must've been after hours as we were having a sort of meeting or session with a nun in full habit. The three of us were on metal folding chairs. The stripper guy told the nun that he used to be a nun, too. When I got out of that meeting I could hardly wait to party with my old boss, John, from The Italian Oven. I walked to the top of a set of bleachers. Don't know why we were partying in an old dark gym. John wasn't there, yet, and I was already drinking with my friend Matt, from kindergarten. We were drinking some sort of cocktails when John showed up with red wine. I told him about the stripper being a nun and we were laughing. I said I thought he meant a monk. 

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