Friday, March 24, 2023

Dreams 3/24

My dream began in damp country woods, it was autumn. There were crunchy colored leaves spread on the ground. Ron was at a big old brick barbecue cooking clams and scallops in two old pots. I was miffed as he said we were leaving for a trip the next morning, and he had just sprung this on me. I tip toed through a clearing filled with animal droppings from deer and rabbits. There were huge stripey snakes all over the forest floor. They looked slimy. I stepped on one. There was a holy man that called himself a viscount with Ron. He was dressed in white robes with a conical orthodox looking cap. There was a gold medallion around his neck, and he had a staff. His hair was long and white, and if he was wasn't all white he might've been a dead ringer for Saint Patrick, so I asked, jokingly if he could rid us of the snakes. He said, no. I went into the trailer where we lived and became a little more upset with Ron as there was a huge party going on that I was not aware of. My class president from high school was there, and I was thinking, gag me, as I never cared for him. Everybody else thought he was adorable, but he was obnoxious. He and I were at a little table when he presented me with a plastic box, like the kind you keep flies in, with little compartments, full of different beads in different colors. He said if I preferred the natural type, he'd brought me, these: an assortment of little crystals. I thanked him and had a tangerine quartz in my hand. I proceeded throughout the back of the trailer, getting more and more put-out with Ron as there were lots of rooms back there that I knew nothing about, and they were filthy with old spattered food and such that I felt very embarrassed about my guests thinking I was a slob. What was worse is that I was calculating all the dolls I could have bought to fill these rooms if I had only known about them.  

A Tale of Two Forest Rats