Sunday, March 12, 2023

Dreams 3/10

Dreamt I was in a familiar place, but nothing was what it seemed. It was either Gettysburg, New Orleans, or Savannah, I think, in that order. I was walking to a party, on my way to a big white house that I knew well. It was a costume party, and I was dressed in black with a cape, wig, and make-up. What's more, I had a matching doll, dressed just like me. She was a big boudoir type of doll. Some man stopped me along the way, but I can't recall what he wanted. By the time I'd gotten to the house everything seemed different, so I thought I was lost. It was my friend Yvette's house, the blonde English lady from Most Haunted. No, I don't know her, but we were apparently friends in the dream. I went in the house and was assured that I'd come to the right place. The dining room was sparse, bare wood, much like a country farm house. It was not decorated. I sat down at one end of the table and was talking to someone. The place was filling up, and I went to the other end of the table, leaving my doll behind. My friend, Darcy, came in, and I was reminded that I had to get back to my own house, so hurried away, leaving my doll behind. When I got home all my stuff was piled up in the parlor as I was moving. There were a lot of people there. The reason I'd come home was to pick up a bright green briefcase that was on a heap along with my other belongings. It contained my jewelry, and I was afraid it could get stolen, so I grabbed it and left. Then, I was on my way to another party. Seemed like old times. This house was a red brick, and my friends, Denise and DJ, from school lived there. I also had cousins, David and Denise. Anyways, their party was really hopping, spilling out the door. Some guy commented on my wig saying it was made out of chicken legs. I saw DJ and asked him if I could hide my briefcase, there, and he said I could. 

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