Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Song of Wandering Aengus

Mendelssohn - Hebrides Overture (Fingal's Cave) (Abbado)

Almond Leaves

Mars loves his almond leaves. Felix and Neptune like them too, but not as much as Mars. He's a lot shyer than Felix and doesn't bother with the other fish, much, besides checking them out every once in awhile. I got them some tourmaline beads too. 

Almond Leaves


The Celtic World

 Finished all twenty-four lessons of Dr. Jennifer Paxton's The Celtic World on The Great Courses. She teaches at American Catholic University. It is wonderful. I love it. I'm going to see if there are any other courses I have to watch. Also have free Skills TV though too this week; and I know, I really enjoyed the week of free Craftsy, although I have yet to get to my knitting or punch needle. Working on it... 🍀

Backyard Post

Up to lesson seventeen of Jennifer Paxton's fascinating The Celtic World, Great Course. Here's a time-out from the backyard. I believe this morning glory is only purple thanks to Bob's bonsai mix, as the seeds were common blue on the packet. We always have loads of mushrooms, all types, as this house vanishes into a fog every evening. What has Jennifer taught me? Northern Italians are fair due to their Celtic origins, The Irish had slaves, and the Manx cat is a relative to the Spanish wildcat. 


Monday, August 28, 2023

The Celtic Redemption

 Since my angry run-in with The Great Courses this afternoon, pleased to report that thanks to Jennifer Paxton's The Celtic World they've been redeemed. There are twenty-four episodes, and I'm looking forward to every one of them. I'm up to episode three concerning Celtic art. Dr. Paxton has that certain sense of wonder I find so lacking these days. She's informative, sticks to the evidence, while questioning it all the time, and doesn't seem to have a hidden agenda. Really excited about the Druidic episode on religion, Can't wait. 

Angry, Now

 After quitting The Commie Plague on The Great Courses, I thought, King Arthur, twenty-four episodes? That's a course for me. I've read the entire Malory, (he was a political prisoner much like Harrison Floyd, who obviously doesn't matter as he's not into assaulting pregnant women like George), Tennyson, not to mention Mary Stewart's great Merlin trilogy. Excalibur is a favorite since childhood, know that by heart, including the bunk Charm of Making. But, seems the same communist is the only teacher The Great Courses can afford. She will likely say Arthur was Chinese, caught the CONVID, and died from global warming. Pass. Not touching the Jesus one, sure that one will get me a first class ticket into Hell. 


It's Not The Plague

 Yeah, going to have to skip the last two God awful lectures as this commie has already disclosed that they don't concern The Plague, but CONVID. Spare me the communist New World Order brainwashing BS. Obvious to me she is on Pfizer's and China's payroll. She really sucks. On to the next Great Course. Not holding my breath. How insulting. 


 Zero views on my last tagged the hell out of post, but one-hundred-and-thirteen welcoming my ghost shrimp: imagine that. Halfway through the fifth episode of seven of The Great Courses: The Black Death. And, like Daddy always said, you might learn something from anybody, even if it's what not to do. Although this English teacher persists with her commie Convidian nonsense throughout like how deer carry Convid, and it started with bats when it has been proven to have been intentionally released from Fauci's labs in China, I have learned something. Now, with evidence, she is discussing how it was primarily introduced through the grain trade, not via The Silk Road as was presumed before. Not buying her, it did not come from China crap, because she says it came from the Volga River with zero evidence backing that up. She just states it in her common English teaching BS way. I've always heard the rats were upearthed from an earthquake. She obviously has her stupid commie New World Order climate change Robo Gore Leo BS to push along. That's very obvious, as is how boring this lecture is. Should be a Great Course in brainwashing. 


Suspect More BS as Usual

Got very excited to see free The Great Courses this week on the television. It got better when the first thing to pop up was The Black Death, seven episodes from 2022. Then, the teacher is not a doctor of communicable diseases, just a common old English teacher like me. Some expert, so I was already thinking this was not going to be great from the get-go. I've been obsessed with The Plague since childhood, and as far as I'd known, read all but two of the English books written on it, Kelly's, The Great Mortality, being by far my favorite. During the first episode I was put-off by her constant references to CONVID. Talk about a mixed metaphor. But, when she brought up the bats and climate change I was thinking she was trying to sell me some more commie toilet paper. By episode two she was still talking CONVID, I wanted to HURL, but instead just fell asleep. The Great Courses? So far it puts the YAWN in The Black Death. Spare me.  

Sunday, August 27, 2023

More from the Roman Aquarium

Venus & Tom Tom


Welcome Pluto, Triton, & Mithras

Montezuma, the Inca Gold snail, has Felix's tank so clean I wanted another for my bigger tank, and got Pluto, the Blue Mystery snail. Felix and Montezuma cuddle up together downstairs in the temple. I also got a couple Ghost Shrimp, Triton and Mithras. Felix would eat them; but, although Mars is a big time eater, he only likes me and doesn't bother with anybody else. Spot the Ghost Shrimp! 


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Furry Vengeance

Baby Bunnies

The little squirrels are chasing the wee bunnies round the back patio. They're so fast and adorable. I've left them a dish of shredded carrots and clover. Hope they like it as much as the squirrel enjoyed the zucchini muffin. 


Dreams 8/24

 Really dreadful nightmare last night, was sitting alongside a pink porcelain bathtub full of Betta fish, all colors. Mummy was in the next room. I was talking to her when I glanced down and realized all the water had drained from the tub. I freaked out and acted terribly stupid, scooping up all the fish with my hands and dropping them into plastic bags while I ran around looking for pitchers, bowls, and glasses to put them in, temporarily. The problem was I was trying to treat and purify the water with two different potions from two plastic bottles, and I was not moving fast enough. One went into my great-grandmother's crystal pitcher, a white one, here, a red one, there. A red and black one with a really fancy tail jumped from a bag and lost his fins. This was how it was going for a long while until I gave up and woke myself. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Welcome Venus, Mars, Neptune, & Montezuma

My tanks are complete, although Ron has been asking for glowfish like a child, so I might have to get him that little hexagon tank I had since high school and lost in a move. Venus, Mars, and Neptune have moved into the new tank. Yes, I've treated it with the cycle quick start besides everything else: Stress Coat, Betta Water Conditioner, and fertilizer for the water plant. We have the Pro-Pur water filtration system. No way I'd give Shiner Reading water. Venus is another Neon Tetra and has already been hanging out with Tom Tom and gossiping. I wanted three more, but the nice guy at the pet store didn't think it a good idea. Tom Tom seems happy with the new girl as those two get snappy with each other. Mars is my gorgeous crimson Delta Tailed Betta. Unlike Felix he seemed thrilled with the amphora, swam in the bottom, hung out inside amongst the roots, then came out and took four Betta Bio-Gold bits from my hand before resting amongst the lily pads. I know you aren't supposed to feed them for a couple of days after bringing them home, but he seemed hungry. I had just gotten these bits, as although they love the Zoo Med BETTA bits, especially the Neons, they are a bit big for their mouths, and these new ones are tiny. Thank you, Gamer's Wife, on You Tube. Felix, however, seems to prefer the Zoo Med bits, but more on him later. There were a couple of purple and fuchsia Half Moon Bettas there that for sure caught my eye, but they seemed a bit fat to me, and I wasn't sure if they were over fed or something more sinister like Dropsy was going on, so I passed them up. Those were ten dollars like Felix, but Mars only cost four. There was also a four dollar baby black Betta there, but I wasn't sure about him. He was cute. I was looking at the beautiful Bettas on Ebay, but people were complaining that they didn't get the Betta pictured, and that the fish they received was missing his tail. I think those guys are eating their own tails, so distressed by The Pony Hexpress. I couldn't do that, but they are nice to look at. There was also a handsome Crimson Koi Plakat Betta at the store, but Mars was my choice mostly due to his personality. I generally let my Bettas pick me, not the other way around. There was a dead one there, too. The white ones sure are beautiful but always seem so fragile. Neptune is my new spotted Cory Cat, and although the pet store guy thought he'd be too much, I've always been lucky with catfish, and they've lived to be ancient. Now, Felix's tank can get a bit dank, so I got him an Inca Gold snail, Montezuma. He cleaned that place up in a snap, was all over it, and Felix loves him unlike Tom Tom who used to send him into fits of fury when they'd steal his bits out from under him.  I like talking fish nearly as much as talking dolls. It's Fish Therapy. I treat my fish like I treat Shiner: spoiled rotten. Thanks Ron! He's too good to me, but I try to spoil him too. 


Trip: The Virgin Atlantic Safety Film

See why they're virgins, and there is only one baby on board. Heard they're the cheapest gig going. Would rather be trapped in the den with Shiner. Might get buggered by a frustrated bearded virgin in the bathroom. 


There were a couple of little squirrels on the back patio, so I gave them a homemade zucchini muffin. They instantly tore it up in record time, and now there is a wee tiny bunny out there with them too! 


 I know it, I'm behind, but lame, spoilt, no talent Crapyersack still makes me HURL. Just took a Hallmark survey, so I'm on a roll. Not like it matters, but told them boycotting woke-ass pedo lovin' Disney, along with Hershey, who fired all their employees who refused the germ warfare CONVID vax, also boycotting NIKE. Told Hallmark, no more Chinese crap that breaks for looking, too, just like this LOSER. 

Crapyersack Stinks


 Yep, spreading shit everywhere. I was behind a commie with a Biden Harris bumper sticker yesterday. He was driving thirty miles-per-hour in a forty-five zone, and I fantasized ramming him, pulling his pin head out of his car, and beating him. Why? Witches Lives Matter. 


Dreams 8/23

 Dreamt I was in the South Side of Pittsburgh standing outside a bar with a large white plastic shopping bag and my big queen bee tote that Susie had gotten me. As I was standing there, looking through fresh pink flowers at a small stand, my best witch, Theresa, aka Sookie Stackhouse, (TRUE BLOOD), in this dream, was descending the front steps of the bar next door. She said she was collecting for her legal fees but had to go home. She looked tired and was also laden down with heavy bags like me. I picked out a bunch of peonies and other pink and fuchsia flowers, put them in my shopping bag, and decided to pick-up her collection from there. First, I went to the old bar two doors down. I sat down at the bar between two older men and said in a loud clear voice that Sookie Stackhouse was my best friend, and I was sure they'd all heard that she had killed the serial rapist that was attacking her, and I was collecting for her legal fees. I added that their wives and daughters were now safe thanks to her. First, the bartender gave me a stack of money. I was getting out money from my bee bag for change for the man to my right. I asked him if he needed change, and he said, no, that this was two-thousand dollars. It was some sort of black and white receipt, I suppose a cashier's check or something. I thanked them all and proceeded to the next old establishment. I was now at the top of the South Side by the bridge. This bar had green enamel accents and big wrap-around concrete steps out front. I went in and made my announcement about Sookie, aka, Theresa. There was a wall of Barbie dolls in the back of this  bar. There weren't a lot of patrons, but it was still light. A mixed race woman was wiping down a table, came up to me, and said she was sorry; but, she could not donate, and I had to go. I shamed her by telling her that she might've been the next victim then left crossing the street to the other side. Then, she was there with me, again, apologizing, while I was collected donations from the men on the bench across from her tavern. I asked her her name, and she wrote it down in black ink on the back of a white receipt, something like, Althea Mathes. I thanked her and was thinking I'd have to catch a bus to Theresa's apartment on the other side of the city. I was tired, and my bags were really heavy. I moved through back alleys unsure of where I was going. Dusk was gathering when I saw a bus and decided to wait for the next one, right there, on Carson Street. Once I was on the bus I made my plea about Sookie's case, again, adding that every little bit would help. A good looking dark haired guy with blue eyes, who was supposedly a dissed ex of mine, gave me a small wad of money along with a smart remark before exiting the bus. The man next to me made a snide comment towards him, and I'd told him, I was sure it wasn't much, (his donation). When I unrolled the cash, however, I was surprized to see a hundred dollar bill, a fifty, a ten, and some ones. I was rummaging through my bee bag for bus fare. I had a thirty dollar bill up my sleeve for it, waiting for my stop, when I woke. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Felix Wasn't Happy

Felix not only resembles a tiny dragon, but looks like he's just as territorial. I had given him the Roman amphora thinking if he liked hanging out upstairs and downstairs in the little temple, he'd really like the jug as it is roomier, and he could swim in the bottom and out the top. I also removed the Tom Tom tetras who he despised. He hated the amphora, and told me all about it. So, I put in a little cave, which gave him way more swim room than the temple. No, he wouldn't touch it, and was just floating around suspended in the lily roots. Soon as he got his temple back he was upstairs and down again. He asked me please not to take it off of him again, so I won't. 


Cookie Monster Metal

Monday, August 21, 2023

Zucchini Muffins

 Mummy, Grandma Bea, and Mrs. Keiler all made zucchini bread when I was a kid, but this recipe has them beat. It's quick and easy too. 

Zucchini Muffins

Felix's Roman Remodel

Got a new tank I'm working on, so Felix got a Roman remodel to match his backdrop, which is a bath from Pompeii. Tom Tom, the Neon Tetras, will be moving to the new tank, so it's going to be just Felix and Oscar, again. Felix chases Tom Tom too much. I'm going to get four more Neon Tetras, and a spotted Cory Catfish next week. Then, the following week, I'll find another Betta for the new tank. I'll keep you posted. 


David Bowie, Trevor Jones - Labyrinth OST (1986)

Dreams 8/21

 Dreamt that Ron and I were in the back of an Irish tavern with Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes. We had picked up a couple of boxes. Mine was a small brown box, Ron's was bigger and white. Then, we moved to the front of the bar. We were at the counter for a spell. There was a mirror behind the bar. Then, we proceeded out the front of the tavern which had an entry way between two glass doors. Before opening the second door, I saw Klink outside in his dress uniform and coat. He shot at me through the glass door. I ducked, and he missed. There was a wooden space below the broken glass of the door. We hurried back into the tavern and were on the floor behind the bar where I found a red handled pallet type of knife and pocketed it as my only weapon. Then, we were in a house with a spacious floorplan. The carpet was hunter green, and Shiner was there, hobbling around. Ron asked if we should leave him, and I told him, no, we were taking him with us. I went into the kitchen, which was this kitchen in the real house, moved the trash can, and pulled a small silver pistol from the bottom of the bread drawer. I went into the den, again, this house, and Shiner was there, shitting on the floor. I took a white rag and wiped up some of the wet shit. Klink was back, I surprised him, smeared the shit on the front of his coat, and shot him in the belly all at once before waking. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Dreams 8/18


Dreamt of two beautiful porcelain dolls. They looked like sisters, identical, only one was black and one, white. They were about seventeen inches tall and dressed in matching bridesmaid dresses. The frocks were lavender with long tattered skirts. They both had long curly hair with little sprays of flowers. There was more to this dream. I think it took place in a cottage, but I can only remember the dolls. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The HEALING Power of the BELL of the Universe! It will protect you from ...

Dreams 8/16

 Dreamt I was in a village and as I woke the mayor, or some sort of official public speaker, was speaking to the crowd and said, "We must put our own people first before worrying about this land grab." 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Ron's Birthday


My View

 I believe our beautiful ten gallon bird bath originally came from one of the old mansions in the neighborhood as we inherited it from friends whose grandparents lived in one of the estates when they moved south. It was too heavy to move. It features griffins and Celtic knotwork. I've never seen anything like it. 




                                                     8x10 Wooden Puff Print



 Today is Ron's birthday, and he has only opened his first gift, a little birdhouse I was lucky enough to find at The Primitive Barn in Sinking Spring before it closed forever, so sad. So, I'll have more about that later. Baked him a carrot cake from scratch using my Candlelight and Wisteria cookbook from the girls' academy down south. But, he got me Minou, Annette Himstedt's little Corsican girl I've wanted for thirty years. She and Tara were the first Himmies I'd ever seen at Bear Trax in Bethel Park, next to BORDERS, and they are gone too. Tara was my first Himstedt, now I have a dozen. Ron had asked if I was finally satisfied, and I told him not, I wanted a proper coven. I have the Spanish gypsy, Aura, but I want the Hungarian, Munira, too...  For now, I'm delighted with the gorgeous Minou! 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Medieval Fantasy Tavern | D&D Fantasy Music and Ambience

Baking a cake... 

(1968) Vargtimmen (Hour of the Wolf) - Ingmar Bergman

CC reveals English subtitles. I'm about halfway in. The Seventh Seal is one of my top favorite films, and this is looking good. Max was a great actor. 

Dreams 8/14


Dreamt that I was staying at a cottage along a creek with a bunch of other folks. We were setting off for a boat ride, and I had several dolls to take along. One was a big Madame Alexander Cissy doll with red hair tied up in a rag. She was wearing a green jump suit. Another was a big fifties style Fabian looking doll with real good dark hair. There was an old guy there who was saying what a good looking doll he was. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Still Cicada Wonder

This little guy has just dug himself up and has yet to shed his shell. He looks like a dusty armadillo. 


A Tea Witch's Grimoire

 This is a wonderful little book, so glad I got it. Planning on making purification and astral travel teas first, but I want to concoct teas for Autumn Equinox, Samhain, and Winter Solstice. Also want to make Aries, Gemini, and Leo teas as homemade gifts. Plus, there are potions, and I want to try the healing and money potions with ingredients like whiskey and moonshine. Ignore the dumb critics as usual. Grab this one. 

A Tea Witch's Grimoire