Monday, August 28, 2023


 Zero views on my last tagged the hell out of post, but one-hundred-and-thirteen welcoming my ghost shrimp: imagine that. Halfway through the fifth episode of seven of The Great Courses: The Black Death. And, like Daddy always said, you might learn something from anybody, even if it's what not to do. Although this English teacher persists with her commie Convidian nonsense throughout like how deer carry Convid, and it started with bats when it has been proven to have been intentionally released from Fauci's labs in China, I have learned something. Now, with evidence, she is discussing how it was primarily introduced through the grain trade, not via The Silk Road as was presumed before. Not buying her, it did not come from China crap, because she says it came from the Volga River with zero evidence backing that up. She just states it in her common English teaching BS way. I've always heard the rats were upearthed from an earthquake. She obviously has her stupid commie New World Order climate change Robo Gore Leo BS to push along. That's very obvious, as is how boring this lecture is. Should be a Great Course in brainwashing. 


A Tale of Two Forest Rats