Monday, August 28, 2023

Suspect More BS as Usual

Got very excited to see free The Great Courses this week on the television. It got better when the first thing to pop up was The Black Death, seven episodes from 2022. Then, the teacher is not a doctor of communicable diseases, just a common old English teacher like me. Some expert, so I was already thinking this was not going to be great from the get-go. I've been obsessed with The Plague since childhood, and as far as I'd known, read all but two of the English books written on it, Kelly's, The Great Mortality, being by far my favorite. During the first episode I was put-off by her constant references to CONVID. Talk about a mixed metaphor. But, when she brought up the bats and climate change I was thinking she was trying to sell me some more commie toilet paper. By episode two she was still talking CONVID, I wanted to HURL, but instead just fell asleep. The Great Courses? So far it puts the YAWN in The Black Death. Spare me.