Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dreams 8/23

 Dreamt I was in the South Side of Pittsburgh standing outside a bar with a large white plastic shopping bag and my big queen bee tote that Susie had gotten me. As I was standing there, looking through fresh pink flowers at a small stand, my best witch, Theresa, aka Sookie Stackhouse, (TRUE BLOOD), in this dream, was descending the front steps of the bar next door. She said she was collecting for her legal fees but had to go home. She looked tired and was also laden down with heavy bags like me. I picked out a bunch of peonies and other pink and fuchsia flowers, put them in my shopping bag, and decided to pick-up her collection from there. First, I went to the old bar two doors down. I sat down at the bar between two older men and said in a loud clear voice that Sookie Stackhouse was my best friend, and I was sure they'd all heard that she had killed the serial rapist that was attacking her, and I was collecting for her legal fees. I added that their wives and daughters were now safe thanks to her. First, the bartender gave me a stack of money. I was getting out money from my bee bag for change for the man to my right. I asked him if he needed change, and he said, no, that this was two-thousand dollars. It was some sort of black and white receipt, I suppose a cashier's check or something. I thanked them all and proceeded to the next old establishment. I was now at the top of the South Side by the bridge. This bar had green enamel accents and big wrap-around concrete steps out front. I went in and made my announcement about Sookie, aka, Theresa. There was a wall of Barbie dolls in the back of this  bar. There weren't a lot of patrons, but it was still light. A mixed race woman was wiping down a table, came up to me, and said she was sorry; but, she could not donate, and I had to go. I shamed her by telling her that she might've been the next victim then left crossing the street to the other side. Then, she was there with me, again, apologizing, while I was collected donations from the men on the bench across from her tavern. I asked her her name, and she wrote it down in black ink on the back of a white receipt, something like, Althea Mathes. I thanked her and was thinking I'd have to catch a bus to Theresa's apartment on the other side of the city. I was tired, and my bags were really heavy. I moved through back alleys unsure of where I was going. Dusk was gathering when I saw a bus and decided to wait for the next one, right there, on Carson Street. Once I was on the bus I made my plea about Sookie's case, again, adding that every little bit would help. A good looking dark haired guy with blue eyes, who was supposedly a dissed ex of mine, gave me a small wad of money along with a smart remark before exiting the bus. The man next to me made a snide comment towards him, and I'd told him, I was sure it wasn't much, (his donation). When I unrolled the cash, however, I was surprized to see a hundred dollar bill, a fifty, a ten, and some ones. I was rummaging through my bee bag for bus fare. I had a thirty dollar bill up my sleeve for it, waiting for my stop, when I woke.