Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Welcome Venus, Mars, Neptune, & Montezuma

My tanks are complete, although Ron has been asking for glowfish like a child, so I might have to get him that little hexagon tank I had since high school and lost in a move. Venus, Mars, and Neptune have moved into the new tank. Yes, I've treated it with the cycle quick start besides everything else: Stress Coat, Betta Water Conditioner, and fertilizer for the water plant. We have the Pro-Pur water filtration system. No way I'd give Shiner Reading water. Venus is another Neon Tetra and has already been hanging out with Tom Tom and gossiping. I wanted three more, but the nice guy at the pet store didn't think it a good idea. Tom Tom seems happy with the new girl as those two get snappy with each other. Mars is my gorgeous crimson Delta Tailed Betta. Unlike Felix he seemed thrilled with the amphora, swam in the bottom, hung out inside amongst the roots, then came out and took four Betta Bio-Gold bits from my hand before resting amongst the lily pads. I know you aren't supposed to feed them for a couple of days after bringing them home, but he seemed hungry. I had just gotten these bits, as although they love the Zoo Med BETTA bits, especially the Neons, they are a bit big for their mouths, and these new ones are tiny. Thank you, Gamer's Wife, on You Tube. Felix, however, seems to prefer the Zoo Med bits, but more on him later. There were a couple of purple and fuchsia Half Moon Bettas there that for sure caught my eye, but they seemed a bit fat to me, and I wasn't sure if they were over fed or something more sinister like Dropsy was going on, so I passed them up. Those were ten dollars like Felix, but Mars only cost four. There was also a four dollar baby black Betta there, but I wasn't sure about him. He was cute. I was looking at the beautiful Bettas on Ebay, but people were complaining that they didn't get the Betta pictured, and that the fish they received was missing his tail. I think those guys are eating their own tails, so distressed by The Pony Hexpress. I couldn't do that, but they are nice to look at. There was also a handsome Crimson Koi Plakat Betta at the store, but Mars was my choice mostly due to his personality. I generally let my Bettas pick me, not the other way around. There was a dead one there, too. The white ones sure are beautiful but always seem so fragile. Neptune is my new spotted Cory Cat, and although the pet store guy thought he'd be too much, I've always been lucky with catfish, and they've lived to be ancient. Now, Felix's tank can get a bit dank, so I got him an Inca Gold snail, Montezuma. He cleaned that place up in a snap, was all over it, and Felix loves him unlike Tom Tom who used to send him into fits of fury when they'd steal his bits out from under him.  I like talking fish nearly as much as talking dolls. It's Fish Therapy. I treat my fish like I treat Shiner: spoiled rotten. Thanks Ron! He's too good to me, but I try to spoil him too. 


A Tale of Two Forest Rats