Friday, June 30, 2023

Mermaid Lagoon

                                                   Mermaid Lagoon



Merlin Set Up


Dreams 6/30

 Dreamt I was working downtown in a dark warehouse full of nooks, alleys, and cardboard boxes. My friend, Amber, was there. I could not find my car anywhere and had to borrow Amber's phone to call Mummy, but could not figure out how to use the phone either. 

Ebay Shop

 I know this kid smelling economy is terrible, and everybody isn't the commie they'd like us to believe, so I've been lowering the prices in my Ebay shop and accepting offers. I usually make a small profit for my antique and vintage dolls, but at the prices I have them listed for now, I'll be at a loss. The reason I no longer use regretsy is that their Chinese affiliate insisted on my bank password, and even my commie bank had a fit over that. I no longer ship internationally because I loathe the thieving Pony Hexpress and love UPS via STAPLES, (the employees at The UPS Store are as bad as The Pony Hexpress, but the drivers are alright). UPS used to cost twice as much as the thieves, but not anymore. I miss my international patrons but not The Pony Hexpress (who were in on The Rig). Anyways, I'll continue to stock my Ebay shop, and prices are lower than ever since prices are higher than ever at the grocery store, gas station, and every place else that the commies have not managed to shut down with their BS as usual. Thank you! 

Shop My Ebay

Thursday, June 29, 2023


 Getty didn't have to travel far to come home. I'm super excited to have her as I've heard she was a favorite doll in a classroom at Gettysburg College for years. Ron Paul got his under-grad degree at Gettysburg. I collect all sorts of dolls, but am partial to woodens, and Getty is my biggest wooden yet. I've been told her last owner made her apron. Getty is telling me it's been too long since I've been to Gettysburg. I used to go at least once a month when I lived in Pittsburgh, but now that I'm only an hour-and-a-half away I never seem to get there, anymore. Soon... She's not my only doll from Gettysburg. Tilly, the antique blonde china head from Worseley's, is one of my favorite dolls. When I bought her I thought she was just a common china, from the thirties, but have since discovered she's Victorian from a fine maker, and a lot nicer doll than I thought. 

Frecon's Orchard and Cidery

 Why can I only get this stuff at the Beer Mart by Victor Emanuel's? It's local, seventy-five-years-old, unlike the twenty-year-old New York stuff, and has three apples per can, versus New York's two. It is way better. Why don't the grocery stores and other beer joints carry it? Not woke enough? Typical. 



The Topless Avenger Set: (Bill Cosby)

                                             Get The Topless Avenger Set

Dreams 6/29

 Couple of strange dreams this morning: first, I was at a little cabin in the woods with a girl from high school, Janean. Being the first of two short dreams the details are rather fuzzy, but she and I were walking up a trail scattered with autumn leaves, away from the cabin. I believe a birthday and a balloon were involved, but I gather we were either late for the party or missed it completely. 

Next, I was with a boy I do not think I know, a bartender, I believe, and Daddy. At the boy's suggestion Daddy had to have an operation, something minor, like an appendix, or something, removed. It was all pretty wyrd, because the boy and I were in a bar, or some sort of food court, and Daddy was lying on the ledge above us, recovering. He was sleeping and had winter coats piled up over his naked body. He woke, and I was busy covering him, telling him what had happened. I asked him if he wanted something, and he said, coffee. Then, he said he wanted country fried steak. I said, "Oh!", and went to the refridgerator, here, in this house. I knew I had leftover chicken parmesan, there, but said, "Damnit!", when I realized Jennifer Davidson had eaten it. She is another girl from school. I brought Daddy his coffee and told him I would make him some country fried chicken, only I would have to make mushroom gravy as I did not have country. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Silva Mind Control Method - Audio Book

Shiner's Dream Cloud

            Ron ordered Shiner a giant Mastiff sized dream cloud from Mr. Mcfluffy. 

Pizza Killin' Commies

                                          The Commies Want Your Pizza

Don't miss the link at the bottom leading to the story where like with The Rig, The Kid Smeller admits to selling "lots of secrets". Sounds like he's not the best Chinese puppet afterall. Good puppets know when to keep their mouth shut. Oh, the pleasures of having a demented puppet as a world leader. I'll take the pizza, and pass on this bad joke of a commie. Told myself not to waste my time with evil politics with this blog, but commies ruin everything. 


Dreams 6/27

 Dreamt that I was at a big old establishment in England for an antiques auction and tea. My parents, brother, and friend, Janey, was there. My family was nestled in a dark little booth on the right side of the room, beneath a little paned window. There was a rose print cotton table cloth, and the table was set with antique china dishes for tea. There was another man, middle aged, with a brown beard, who was sitting across from them in the middle of the room at a table set the same. He was situated in front of a tall glass case, crammed with antiques of all types. Janey was across the way, on stage, giving a welcoming sort of speech to a small but crowded auditorium. Somehow word got out that things not meant for sale would be auctioned. Mummy got angry and my family left in a huff. I was trying to comfort and convince the bearded man that his belongings were safe when Janey came from the stage and took a little cave diorama in a terrarium type of glass dome from the case telling me it wasn't for sale. It was her's. It looked as if it was constructed of stones and gems and set with tiny silk plants. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Dreams, Nightmares, and Facts

 I fell asleep watching John Wayne's, The Alamo, tonight, which is likely where my latest nightmare came from. I'm writing this as commentary, as I really try to stick to my dreams and write them down exactly as I can remember them, without speculation, I'm not the news. However, like tonight, often I wake and lucidly rewrite the dream in my head, giving it the ending I desire because there are times that my dreams are so realistic that I wake sweating and out of sorts. I don't like this, of course, and don't think it's healthy, but sometimes, especially with the most terrifying of nightmares that affect me physically, the dreams prove to be very prophetic. So, I do not count daydreams or lucidity as dreaming nor do I write them down. Those are my own waking imaginings, not the product of my subconcious, which goes a lot deeper and seems to tap into something a lot bigger than my wild imagination as Mummy called it. Sometimes my dreams are brought on by all sorts of waking things, of course; but I try not to add these bits to my recollection. Just the facts, for a change. 

Dreams 6/25

 Dreamt I was teaching, helping a black girl get her GED. My sixth grade teacher was there, butting in, and didn't like that I ignored her, so decided to terrorize me. The more I smiled and ignored her, the more infuriated she became. I came down the stairs, and she was with a teacher friend of mine who has since passed away. My antagonist yanked a huge clump of my hair out, still, I walked away. Then, there was a student, an older teenage girl with long brown hair, who decided to pitch-in with the terror. I smiled and ignored her. These two worked together trying to get me fired in true psychotic style. I was sitting next to the girl in the auditorium when she hissed at me, and I told her I was moving next door to her and that we'd be the best of friends. I gave her a hug. 

Norfolk Troll Tree

 Bob, the bonsai potting mix, with umpteen ingredients, and the rooting enzyme had inspired me to spoil my houseplants, today. They were getting pretty wild. There's a thirty-year-old Purple Passion I got for Ron back in school. There is also the start of a holly bush from Christmas that is taking over my Wandering Jew. Norfolk Troll Tree is looking his best, and wanted to say, hello. There's even garlic growing that started with Petra Klink and O, My Ra! when they were warding off Dracubutter. I might get some lavender tomorrow for the front yard. The Day Lilies choked out the Sea Lavender out back. But, my junipers I planted from berries from Perrysville Battlefield are now beautiful full grown trees. It's a good thing too as the neighbor is Columbian and cuts down trees as if he still was in the rain forest. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Mutschler's Rare Plants

 There is a green house on the way to Philadelphia that I've wanted to check-out for at least fifteen years, and it is better than I ever might've imagined. I knew there would be koi, but the frogs, snake, cat, and chipmunk were a surprise. The owner, Bob, used to open for The Beach Boys, has a Phd in Horticulture, and taught at Penn State. The house is three-hundred-and-fifty-years-old, and was a stop on The Underground Railroad. There are bonsai, lily ponds, shrubs, trees, and cacti. I got some special potting mix, some root enzyme, and an Old Wooly Man cactus like I've wanted since I was a kid. He was the only one, and Bob said he grew a lot this year. I've called him, Bob. Check-it-out, it's wonderful. 


O, My Ra! Season Two? (Doll Soaps)

 Glad I did not miss out on Ana. She and her sister, Fatra Nubis, surely will have Cleo, Nefera, Lotus, and the other Egyptians digging up cursed shabti for jealousy. There are also two new creatures at Monster High, The Dark sisters, teaching Witchcraft and The Dark Arts, so another season of O, My Ra! is as likely as Cleopatra was Greek. Also, not unfathomable: Return to Marie's Chateau, and We're Not Proud, a new doll soap with Rainbow High, Blythe, and the like. Stay tuned... 

O, My Ra!

Return to Marie's Chateau

More Videos...

Witches for all Seasons: Valentina and Patty O'Day

                                                      Witches for all Seasons

Friday, June 23, 2023

From The Green Man

 "No, any such terror could be faced, or could be fled from; must always be less terrible than a portable, infinitely adaptable demon living and acting in the mind." 

Kingsley Amis

Dreams 6/23

 Dreamt I was at a wine shop at the mall. I had bought a thirteen dollar bottle of strawberry wine, but for some reason I had to leave without it. When I came back for it they were sold out. The woman working there said I could go in the cellar and see if they had more down there, so I did. It was dimly lit and loaded with wine. There were even big glass jugs like water cooler containers that were a quarter full of red wine. I couldn't find my wine, so I went back up via a white metal step ladder, I told the woman I did not remember that ladder being there before and wondered where all the other spirits were before realizing I was at the mall, and they only sold wine. I then asked the woman if they had Pinot Noir, and went looking. They did not. So, she sold me one of those quarter filled glass jugs of red wine. I owed her some money. In the meantime, I walked over to what seemed to be a coffee bar, in the same shop. There, on the counter, beneath an urn, lay a huge stack of cash. I looked around. Soon two other women came around the right side of the bar. One had curly blonde hair and was wearing a leather jacket. She asked if the money was mine, and I said, no. Then, a girl with shoulder length brown hair and purple eye shadow came up and tried to snatch the cash. I asked if it was her's, and she shook her head, no. I grabbed her arm then woke. 

The Queen of Hearts Wreath


Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Power of Radical Honesty - Dr. Anna Lembke

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Dreams 6/22

 Again, don't remember much from my dream. I'll try, but it's pretty foggy, and I've had too many distractions. I was in the country, again, where I went to school. That much, I know, and I was walking up Main Street after having gotten lost as usual. I ran into my girlfriend, Amber, from high school, and we were shopping. She had picked out a long layered sheer organza summer dress, it was pale green with big soft pink flowers; I said it was nice, and she should get it. Afterwards, I was still walking, although further up the road. My friend, Rick, was driving a sandy colored sedan and offered me a ride. I woke after getting in his car. There was more to the beginning of the dream before I met up with Amber, but I don't recall. I think, Suzie, one of my best witches, who also had lived off of that street in a house since demolished, was also at the start, but I don't know. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Updated ZAZZLE Shop




Java Fern

 Besides the ancient Roman bath backdrop, I picked up a Java fern for Felix, Oscar, and Telly. The other one I've had from the start is an Anubis plant. They all seem to like it already. Here, Felix is posing. He does that. He's the friendliest fish I've ever had. I try to make him happy. He seems to know it. He kisses my fingers. Plastic plants aren't great for Bettas as they might tear their lovely fins on them. He's not pink, it's the red light setting on my tank. 

Dreams 6/21 * Happy Solstice!

 Dreamt I was working with a big dark boy. He might've been a former student of mine. We were cashiers at a fast food joint, or, at least, that's what I think. It was hard to tell as there weren't any customers, and we were playing a Frogger type of video game on the cash registers. I was a champ. 

Happy Solstice! Like most of my Kachina, Kachina Sun just came to me. He's beautiful, I love him. I also have: Star, Owl, and White Buffalo. I've gotten Ron a couple of Clowns, as he loves watermelon and a little Long Hair. Clown is another good Kachina for summer, he teaches not to take yourself too seriously. I have three Zuni Corn Maiden fetishes, too. Sun brings long life, vitality, and strength. Most of my Kachina are Zuni, but I also have Hopi and Navajo: all types, (cotton wood, stone, antler, and beaded). The little Calsilica Corn Maiden is probably my favorite, but don't tell Sun that. I am interested in Crow Mother too. We'll see if she comes to me. I've made a little dollhouse sized Corn Maiden, and you might find her in my Ebay shop. I've been adding lots of things, there, so I might score more dolls. 

Corn Maiden

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Worry Dolls

 I had these as a kid, I either bought them at the mall at The World Bazaar or on vacation in California when I was nine, can't remember which. They're from Guatemala. You tell them your worries at night before you fall asleep, and they take them away. A couple of years ago my girlfriend sent me a bigger set in an organza bag for my birthday, but Ron just got me these same ones I had as a girl in San Antonio. This is the photo he took with his phone from the store display. Says they're made by Mayans. I plan to use them when I Return to Marie's Chateau as I now have a proper coven of Darcinians led by Prince Lucifer, himself, so the Pippas have lots to worry about...

Return to Marie's Chateau

Sinclaire: Handmade, OOAK, Unicorn Doll


Monday, June 19, 2023

Ana Nubis


Looking forward to O, My Ra! season two with Fatra and Ana Nubis. Plus, two new creatures at Monster High, the Dark sisters. Stay tuned... 

Witches Rock

                                                         Witches Rock


Dreams 6/19

 Dreamt Ron had brought me some new things for my aquarium: some sort of fish that I can't quite remember, a shrimp, and a tarantula. The shrimp grew suddenly into a crayfish that would pinch at Felix. The tarantula was huge and took up a lot of tank space, clinging to the right side. I hated them all. Had another dream that I've already forgotten. It happens. Speaking of Felix, I got a couple of male Cobra guppies, Telly, and Kojak, when my brother was visiting. Kojak was small and didn't last a week. I think Felix might've eaten his eyes, but I couldn't prove it in court. I love Felix, but he won't be getting anymore guppy treats. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Autographed Anne Rice Collection: Hardback, First Edition, (Erotica, Vampires, and More...)

                                                     Anne Rice Collection

Dreams 6/18

 Dreamt that Ron and I were vacationing with Annie and Jay. Our hotel room was huge and looked more like somebody's spare storage room, what a dump. It was a hodgepodge of mismatched furniture and there was loose clothing and fabric, like curtains, spread all over. The shower was a big walk in closet, and it also had stuff stacked in there. There were two light switches. I was trying to hurry and take a shower and get ready. Annie was screaming, "Dana!", outside the door. She sounded fed-up and angry. I was only wearing some jeans and a tee shirt with a summer hat because I could not find anything else to wear. Then, I couldn't find anybody, so I hopped in my "car" and "sped" off to find them around the corner at the restaurant where I knew they'd be. My "car", however, wasn't anything more than an ottoman with wheels. The Flintstones had this thing beat, it didn't even have a roof, so no way you could "drive" it in the rain. It was simply a beige polyester cushion over a wooden frame with a slot to sit in. Forget passengers. Anyways, I was trying to put my make up on while "driving", (no steering wheel), but there were real cars behind me, so by the time I'd reached the restaurant I only had one eye done. I parked my ottoman on the street, and Annie asked me if it was a real car.