Sunday, June 25, 2023

Dreams 6/25

 Dreamt I was teaching, helping a black girl get her GED. My sixth grade teacher was there, butting in, and didn't like that I ignored her, so decided to terrorize me. The more I smiled and ignored her, the more infuriated she became. I came down the stairs, and she was with a teacher friend of mine who has since passed away. My antagonist yanked a huge clump of my hair out, still, I walked away. Then, there was a student, an older teenage girl with long brown hair, who decided to pitch-in with the terror. I smiled and ignored her. These two worked together trying to get me fired in true psychotic style. I was sitting next to the girl in the auditorium when she hissed at me, and I told her I was moving next door to her and that we'd be the best of friends. I gave her a hug. 

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