Sunday, June 25, 2023

Norfolk Troll Tree

 Bob, the bonsai potting mix, with umpteen ingredients, and the rooting enzyme had inspired me to spoil my houseplants, today. They were getting pretty wild. There's a thirty-year-old Purple Passion I got for Ron back in school. There is also the start of a holly bush from Christmas that is taking over my Wandering Jew. Norfolk Troll Tree is looking his best, and wanted to say, hello. There's even garlic growing that started with Petra Klink and O, My Ra! when they were warding off Dracubutter. I might get some lavender tomorrow for the front yard. The Day Lilies choked out the Sea Lavender out back. But, my junipers I planted from berries from Perrysville Battlefield are now beautiful full grown trees. It's a good thing too as the neighbor is Columbian and cuts down trees as if he still was in the rain forest. 

Top 10 Breathtaking Plants on Earth