Saturday, June 24, 2023

Mutschler's Rare Plants

 There is a green house on the way to Philadelphia that I've wanted to check-out for at least fifteen years, and it is better than I ever might've imagined. I knew there would be koi, but the frogs, snake, cat, and chipmunk were a surprise. The owner, Bob, used to open for The Beach Boys, has a Phd in Horticulture, and taught at Penn State. The house is three-hundred-and-fifty-years-old, and was a stop on The Underground Railroad. There are bonsai, lily ponds, shrubs, trees, and cacti. I got some special potting mix, some root enzyme, and an Old Wooly Man cactus like I've wanted since I was a kid. He was the only one, and Bob said he grew a lot this year. I've called him, Bob. Check-it-out, it's wonderful. 


A Tale of Two Forest Rats