Thursday, June 29, 2023

Dreams 6/29

 Couple of strange dreams this morning: first, I was at a little cabin in the woods with a girl from high school, Janean. Being the first of two short dreams the details are rather fuzzy, but she and I were walking up a trail scattered with autumn leaves, away from the cabin. I believe a birthday and a balloon were involved, but I gather we were either late for the party or missed it completely. 

Next, I was with a boy I do not think I know, a bartender, I believe, and Daddy. At the boy's suggestion Daddy had to have an operation, something minor, like an appendix, or something, removed. It was all pretty wyrd, because the boy and I were in a bar, or some sort of food court, and Daddy was lying on the ledge above us, recovering. He was sleeping and had winter coats piled up over his naked body. He woke, and I was busy covering him, telling him what had happened. I asked him if he wanted something, and he said, coffee. Then, he said he wanted country fried steak. I said, "Oh!", and went to the refridgerator, here, in this house. I knew I had leftover chicken parmesan, there, but said, "Damnit!", when I realized Jennifer Davidson had eaten it. She is another girl from school. I brought Daddy his coffee and told him I would make him some country fried chicken, only I would have to make mushroom gravy as I did not have country. 

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