Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Dreams 6/21 * Happy Solstice!

 Dreamt I was working with a big dark boy. He might've been a former student of mine. We were cashiers at a fast food joint, or, at least, that's what I think. It was hard to tell as there weren't any customers, and we were playing a Frogger type of video game on the cash registers. I was a champ. 

Happy Solstice! Like most of my Kachina, Kachina Sun just came to me. He's beautiful, I love him. I also have: Star, Owl, and White Buffalo. I've gotten Ron a couple of Clowns, as he loves watermelon and a little Long Hair. Clown is another good Kachina for summer, he teaches not to take yourself too seriously. I have three Zuni Corn Maiden fetishes, too. Sun brings long life, vitality, and strength. Most of my Kachina are Zuni, but I also have Hopi and Navajo: all types, (cotton wood, stone, antler, and beaded). The little Calsilica Corn Maiden is probably my favorite, but don't tell Sun that. I am interested in Crow Mother too. We'll see if she comes to me. I've made a little dollhouse sized Corn Maiden, and you might find her in my Ebay shop. I've been adding lots of things, there, so I might score more dolls. 

Corn Maiden

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