Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Dreams 6/27

 Dreamt that I was at a big old establishment in England for an antiques auction and tea. My parents, brother, and friend, Janey, was there. My family was nestled in a dark little booth on the right side of the room, beneath a little paned window. There was a rose print cotton table cloth, and the table was set with antique china dishes for tea. There was another man, middle aged, with a brown beard, who was sitting across from them in the middle of the room at a table set the same. He was situated in front of a tall glass case, crammed with antiques of all types. Janey was across the way, on stage, giving a welcoming sort of speech to a small but crowded auditorium. Somehow word got out that things not meant for sale would be auctioned. Mummy got angry and my family left in a huff. I was trying to comfort and convince the bearded man that his belongings were safe when Janey came from the stage and took a little cave diorama in a terrarium type of glass dome from the case telling me it wasn't for sale. It was her's. It looked as if it was constructed of stones and gems and set with tiny silk plants. 

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