Monday, July 31, 2023


 50% off, ZAZZLE sale. I had some earnings, (Thank You), so ordered some comics and poetry. It's best to stock up to save on shipping as ZAZZLE products are created all over the country, so a mug won't be shipping from the same place as stickers or a tee shirt. 


P̲ink Flo̲yd - T̲h̲e̲ Piper At T̲h̲e̲ Gates Of Dawn (Full Album) 1967

Jeepster (2003 Remaster)

Dreams 7/30

Dreamt Ron, his mother, and I were in a gigantic hotel full of staircases, gleaming, and white. Somehow Ron became separated from us. Marie and I were in a gift store on a lower level. I'd bought a stuffed black bear. While Marie waited I searched the place for Ron and finally found him. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Woodlands Dark And Days Bewitched: A History Of Folk Horror

Free AMC+ this week. Caught the first minute of Interview with the Vampire because I used to teach that. It's way too woke for me, so thought, perhaps I'd settle for old Anne Bolelyn as usual. I didn't know she was black like Louie, Claudia, and Armand. I adored TURN. What's up? Trying this, it looks good already... 

Michael? : Michael's Vineyard


                                                   Michael's Vineyard

Where do all the white folks go? 



Lose a body in the undertow?



Who knocks out Oogie Booger with her left hook?



Who do you reckon killed that cook?



Besides Ole' Queenie and the Kennedys who rules cover-ups?



Easy to get Mansy loaded to keep her mouth shut.

But, The Kid Smeller will want a cut. 

Michael's Vineyard

We're Not Proud 2

Shuggie Otis - Sweet Thang

Graham Coxon - Walking All Day (From 'The End of The F***ing World')

I love this series so much, watched it twice. Due for a third time. Some of the best television I've seen. Plus, the soundtrack rocks. 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Dreams 7/28

 Couple of nightmares, today, but I only remember one. I was a kid again, in Australia with my mother. I wasn't listening to her, as usual, and swam off with two other kids past an old lumber mill. The one was a girl with short sandy colored hair. The water suddenly became a series of slides through old mills and mines. There were adults after me to kidnap me. It was long and distressing. 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Dreams 7/27

 Dreamt I was in the kitchen, here, cooking dinner for our friend Heather, who was no longer with Kevin, but Hal, the elder, from Catherine Cookson's A Dinner of Herbs, a British series. Ron was here, too. They were all sitting round the table waiting for me to finish their suppers which consisted of some sort of burger conglomerate, that is, chicken, and I don't know what else. Anyways, they were too thick, so weren't cooking. I was attempting to appease them with chili, but only had one can. Only two of the burners on the stove were working, and the oven door was falling off. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Barbie | Main Trailer

Won't lie, I loved Barbie. It was sold out on a Wednesday. I think teenage boys like this movie because the theater was ninety percent female. Spotted Drag Queen Barbie straight-off, Ron didn't. Girl from Death Proof that got her toes licked, Carla Tortelli, and Ricky Bobby: bonuses. Suggestion: call it, Ken. My Ken doll will be here Sunday. He was twenty bucks, Barbie is fifty. Want the fur coat and especially the fuzzy Kenough hoodie for him. There were fireworks when we left. Most were pink. I wasn't the only one in pink. We looked like a Pepto Bismol commercial. 

Dreams 7/26


Dreamt I was away at a witch retreat in a cottage in the country. I think my friend Pam from school was there. We did kinky things like Yoga on each others' laps. When we were finished we had to give a special book to our best witch. I felt bad for having collected everybodys' books. One was a Mexican witchcraft book. Mine was Love Magic. I had a couple of books in a cardboard box beneath a table that I had gotten free at the library. One of these was a hardback edition of The Witching Hour. I gave it to one of the girls who didn't get a book. Then, my old friend, Tony, rose from the lake near the cottage wanting to rekindle, but I told him, no. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Dreams 7/24

 Dreamt it was Daddy's birthday, and I got him a new plant for his aquarium and a Civil War board game that we we playing. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023


 As a former teacher who scored 98% above the others, not at all surprised: 

                                                     Demonrats In Charge

Best Barbie Ever

 Makes me want to see the movie, almost. (Not) 

Barbie Flick & Gen Z

Dreams 7/23

 Dreamt I was here, it was a dark stormy night. I'd crossed to the left corner of the yard and sat down. Across the street Robert Plant was crouching, drenched. He retreated to some undergrowth, near the cryptic rock, closest to me and said that he would be there and vanished from view. By this time a small crowd had gathered round me, and I had a tray of raw chicken that I set down in the grass. Fool in the Rain was not the background song, rather, You Don't Have to Go, o, o, o, oh...

Saturday, July 22, 2023




 I still have and use Pinterest, too. 


Dreams 7/22

 Dreamt I was staying at a big hotel by the sea that had a stag on the sign. Theresa, my best friend, was there, and it was quite a gathering, some sort of party. Then, I stepped out and came back with two kinds of live scorpions, only they might've looked more like scorpion meets cricket and goes Corvette. Some were blue and green like a surf board, and the others were sunset, yellow and orange. I ate them live. They had a bit of a sting, but were pretty good, something like crab. When I brought them back to the party I was giving them out. Theresa's cat was up, walking a table and loved them. When it was time to clear out some of my friends were in a pick up truck and reminded me not to forget about my scorpions which were in a kiddie pool out on the front lawn. I got them, and gave them to them. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

flutter Starlight

I still play flutter Starlight. The fabulous support staff have fixed my game twice. Yes, I have all the moths and miss the events celebrating holidays the world over. I'm only missing a couple of prize plants which aren't worth me having, my Flutterpedia is nearly complete. This last fix allows me to play and keep my data without fakebook. I only ever joined fakebook to collect the social moths. Although I miss my moth peeps the world over there are only a few that still play, anyways: one in China, perhaps an American, and another in South America. Since there are no longer Wisp events that like with the support staff people did nothing but complain about anyways, they've updated the flora with Wisp abilities to fill your forest with petals. Can't beat that. I suppose I'll collect the couple of grand prize plants I'm missing with my loads of Glow Bucks. I no longer need Doug. I still find my sanctuary relaxing, and I still love flutter Starlight. 

Dreams 7/21

 Lucky me, dreamt of Eddie Munson again. Visited him in The Upside Down, gave him a kiss, and told him I loved him. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

We're Not Proud

Mosquito Moths – Fruit Muncher Turned Blood Sucking Vampire

Dreams 7/20 (Nap)

 Dreamt I got a new set of Barbies. There were two girls in the fold-out pack, one gray with silver blue long hair and the other was a blonde. They were dressed in mod flowered jumpsuits and came with extra clothes like groovy flowered pants and fuzzy collars. I had a stage for these chicks and was going wild. 

Just in time for my latest doll soap: We're Not Proud. I'm setting it up and casting, now. The principal is Koshari and the head mistress is Miss Dark. Misfits include: Mr. Hoo-doo 'de Voo-doo, Baby Vampy, A'pizza, Feathertop, Batsy, and Novi. The cool ghouls feature: Blythe, Hook, Natasha, Nicole, Dia, Daphne, Ivy, Fresia, and Sage. It will be something like DARK SHADOWS hits Three's Company in the face. 

Stay Tuned...

More Doll Soaps

Dreams 7/20

 Dreamt that Ron, my cousin, Cole, and I were, here, having breakfast. They were going camping with my friend, Matt. Seems they had left Matt at the camp site and were going back for him. Told them Matt gets lost, and he was going to need a compass. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Maria Theresia (2017) in English

Summerween Postcards


Summerween Makes Me Feel Fine

                                  Blowing through the chasm of my mind... 




Updated ZAZZLE Shop

                                                Dolls & Magic ZAZZLE

Dreams 7/19

 Adventures with my best friend Theresa are always fun, and this one began in the bathroom of a movie theater. When we left Theresa was driving down a familiar home town road. We stopped at an old two story stone house that we knew in the dream, but it doesn't exist in real life as far as I know, maybe it did, once. Anyways, it had just sold and we pulled around back and went in. We descended a long spiral staircase, it looked more like a lighthouse inside. When we got to the bottom it was like an old mill. There were a couple of white guys working there. I met the new owner, too, a young black man. Then, we had to go to work. Once there I was changing into my new uniform in a locker room. The underwear looked like something out of Tudor England and exposed my ass. There was also a dark haired man at work, he might've been our boss, not sure. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023



Monday, July 17, 2023

Dreams 7/17

 Forgot my first dream again, it happens when I have three dreams in a row without popping up to record them. In the first dream Ron and I were at war in the desert. There were bivouac and sand bags all around. I had to fetch us some food to cook-up. It was frozen and wrapped in butcher paper. I brought back some dinosaur, but Ron said he wouldn't eat it, so I had to fix him a big turkey leg which he also complained about. Then, we were off and running across the sand, again. 

The next dream took place in Pittsburgh at an O type of joint. I had a new crowd of friends, girls and boys. I went into the bathroom and this big giant girl had two joints like pistols and handed me one. It was a brown, pinner, and coming undone. I thought I didn't want to give her plague, but was smoking it before she took it back. Then, I was back at a table with a big boy with sandy hair. He liked me, and I liked him, too, although I knew he was pretty much a loser. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Dreams 7/16

 Couple of wyrd dreams, first I was back in high school with my high school boyfriend at the prom, only this time I wore a different dress, some God awful old faded white thing that looked like a box of used Kleenex. The prom didn't go much better. Yeah, it was all me. 

Next, I was home again with Mummy and Daddy. I was in my last room there, my brother's old room, which was all bed. I was sick in bed, and it was mounded with blankets all rumpled and balled-up. Then, Daddy was in bed, in his room, and there was some sort of strange experiment going on presided over by a cute dark haired boy who seemed familiar; although, I'm sure, I don't know him. At the end of the trial he asked me if I thought the DNA was Daddy's or his. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Dreams 7/15 or I Want My Dolls!

 Such a dream deserves a title. First, we were here, in the man room, when Ron's brother and sister-in-law bust in, angry. Ron's brother had longer hair, and his wife was much thinner, in a wedding gown. I chased them off, challenging Renee. Then, I was back in Pittsburgh, and it was around Christmas. I was with my dear friend, Miss Brown, and she invited me along on a moonlight drive with some realtor friends of her's. I was riding in the back of the car through old streets, and pointed to a set of stone steps that led up to a crumbling old building and said that Paul and I used to go to church there, sometimes. (This was not true in real life.) We arrived at our destination. There was an elaborately decorated sunporch with Christmas trees, and the front of the house was smooth and white with an evergreen design. Janice, (Miss Brown), pointed and said, "Look how it sparkles!". I commented that it was quartz. Once finally inside, as it took them long enough to let us in, there was a party going on. There were little girls dressed like me, like dolls from the fifties. Soon enough we were gathered around a great many dolls on the floor and there was one woman, dressed like something out of The Civil War in a deep blue gown. Her hair was done up in ringlets. She was very nasty and uppity. Somehow I had some dolls there, too, one was a plastic poodle doll in a matching fifties style dress and a pink plastic doll case with some little dolls in it. Then, I was taken away from the group and when I returned the bitch, who I'll now call, Varina, was gone along with my dolls. I picked up the plastic case of mine and another and was shouting, "I Want My Dolls!" A little old white haired woman was trying to quiet me as I passed into another room on the right full of astounded rich bitches, glass shelves, and bad art. There was a man in an old-fashioned blue and red tailored uniform that looked very put out. When I realized I wasn't going to get my dolls back I returned to the floor with the other dolls and snatched up a Greiner with a little smile on her face as if she was happy to be spirited out of there. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Dreams 7/14

 Couple of dreams, strange as ever: first, I was working in an old general store in the country with another woman with gray hair and a plump blonde. We wore uniforms that looked like old-fashioned German peasant dresses. This dream got pretty dirty, so I'll go to the next which was longer and stranger. 

I was staying with some girlfriends by the sea. I didn't know any of them in real life. The boy who played the protagonist in AHS, NYC befriended me, the one who it ended with, who impregnated Ear Muffs from SCREAM QUEENS via turkey baster. Anyways, first, I took him home, and it was wyrd as we ascended the dark wooden stairs to where I was staying, we were under water, and my fish, Felix, who was now, as big as a cat, was swimming around the boy. I told him to watch-out for Felix. I wasn't sure he liked him. Afterwards, he took me to a lighthouse, which happened to be a pub. We ordered some food, and I ordered a pitcher of pina coladas. Then, I saw my girlfriends, so was hanging out with them. Now, the boy, and, no, I can't recall ever knowing his name, introduced me to his friend, an older man with dark hair. He was standing by a small slot machine that I was playing. It had a Jesus theme, and I won a stack of money, so I paid the bill. The boy then asked me if I wanted to go to The Phone. I had no idea what he was talking about, but it was an old phone booth, still there, in the lighthouse. That's when he grabbed me and started kissing me. I was trying to fight him off, but he wasn't taking no for an answer, and I had to seriously jack him up. 


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Dreams 7/12

 Dreamt I was downtown at night in an old theater. There were some other girls, maybe Hispanic, with dark hair. There was a dark little bathroom, like a nook. There was more to the dream, but being the first of several it's fuzzy: something about a mix-up and bad parking in an alley, maybe even a test, and Mummy might've been there, but I'm not sure. 

Then, it was day, and I was shopping in a card shop for gifts. I was waiting in a very long line. When the girl checked-me-out, I was confused as to how the total was over seventy dollars. What I had gotten, some old books and cards, was not what I'd thought, some Funko Pops. I asked the girl how much was the paper back. It was old and stained. Forty-two dollars and another price were scribbled on the soiled back cover in black Sharpie. I was getting it for my ex-sister-in-law, I told her, nevermind, I didn't want it, and to also take three other items off, some cards and another book. She had to call her manager, and a man waiting three customers back was getting impatient and cantankerous. Her manager, a dark haired woman, came out, and I told her it was my fault. Meanwhile some other customers, an elderly couple, were checking out some large felt caroler dolls that were mounted on the wall opposite the cash register. They were two-dimensional, and sort of folksy looking: cute. 

Then, as I was standing at the counter I was transported to another dream where I was pulling coffee colored pea sort of growths off of my throat like removing sunburnt skin. 

Finally, I dreamt that Ron's cousin had hugged me. We were standing on the side of the road by my car. Why, afterwards, I had to explain this to a cop, I have no idea. I might've been an alibi. I told the officer I didn't know why he hugged me nor could I make-out what he had said. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Sketi Yeti

 Abbey's cousin, Sketi Yeti, is here all the way from Nepal, and she's clawsome. Oh, my ghoul, no more hungry Yeti, Sketi is as fat as Dracubutter. She's adorable. Love her horns. Actually I love everything about her. They're made in Indonesia again, like the original Monster High. Got some catching up to do, but can hardly wait for O, My Ra! season two! 

O, My Ra!



How Cute is This


Monday, July 10, 2023

The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm

The Smashing Pumpkins - Zero (Official Music Video)

Dreams 7/10

 Dreamt we lived across the street from Annie and Jay only it was a lot more like Oakland than Greenfields. Ron and I were visiting them and had Bumper, the Yorkshire terrier. When we left, we had to cross over an old wooden porch, Bumper was missing. I went back and was calling, Shiner, not Bumper. Anyways, Annie was gone, but Jay was still there along with his neighbors, a blonde girl and a biker. Something was seriously shady with the blonde. I still could not find Bumper, and when I got home, Ron said "Look who is here", it was Bumper, hiding in the rafters of the cellar. 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Dreams 7/9

 I've already forgotten my first dream. The second took place at a big beach house at night. There was a huge party going on. Somehow something turned bad, and I had to go all out Carrie on these revelers. One guy busted in on me in the bathroom. I was splatting these people like flies, with my mind. They were more melting than exploding, I'd say. Not like I could help it, it was self defense. I don't remember much more about it, and I think the first dream was nightmarish, too, so on to the last, it was better, and I can remember. 

My best friend, Theresa, and I were at an Italian club in Pittsburgh. It wasn't Victor's, it was really a big old church, but it was supposedly Victor's in the dream. Victor Emanuel's is the Italian club, here. Theresa was trying to get a job waiting tables, there. There was a blonde waitress, there. Not sure why I could never really make out what she was saying. Theresa would always whisper in my ear. We were back at the club for a second time,  and Theresa asked me if I wanted to join. I said that I thought we knew the blonde from some place, Chi Chi's? I was picturing her in a blue Chi Chi's shirt. I wondered if I had gotten her a job, there. Theresa asked if she wasn't Sheridan's sister, the Irish warlock. I said, no. I told Theresa that I had to go to the bathroom. She followed me in, through a big wooden door. While in there, peeing in the stalls, the blonde was in another stall and started a conversation which I could hear. She asked, "Is that Dana?" Then, she said she knew my old boyfriend, Dave. She said she met him at a Halloween party with her grandmother when he got up and sang. She said he was all ears. I told her his ears were my favorite part, and that Theresa knew how I loved big ears. The blonde said that Dave told her that he'd first seen me in Spanish class and was like, "What is that?". This is when I woke as it is pouring rain, and I had to pee. 

Friday, July 7, 2023

Mr. Rourke

                                                                  Mr. Rourke

Van Halen - Aint Talkin' Bout Love

Pesto Artichoke A'pizza

 I'd made both pesto and artichoke a'pizza before, but the combination is even better. Since learning the New Haven style I've been making them nearly every Friday, all sorts. Unlike other pizza, they're easily digested, and I haven't gained a pound. They're also fun and somehow therapeutic. I've got it down to something of a science. I clean up as I go along, use wax paper with olive oil and flour to roll out the dough, (I tape it to the counter), and instead of putting my dough in the refridgerator over night, I pop it in the freezer for a bit to speed up the process. Now, I can make a couple pies in a couple of hours with no mess. I was lucky to inherit a marble rolling pin, which is a big help. If you come across one of those, grab it. I put a bit of olive oil and flour on it, too. That helps. I use a lot of olive oil. I stick to the New Haven recipe, only use thyme instead of parsley, (I prefer it), and even put it in my flour along with the salt. I also usually use six cheeses instead of just parmesan and mootz. 

Dreams 7/7

 Dreamt I was part of a sort of extreme rich girl slumber party, that's what I'd call it. Looked like California, and there were dolls. The place looked modern as if it was built in the seventies, very stark, white, and lit, but there were plants and gold embellishments, lots of tile. I wouldn't call it comfortable. The main girl, or the girl who lived there, had short, styled, blonde hair. She and the others were real bitchy. I remember being in the bathroom, at the huge double oval sunken sinks. I was washing, but there was a doll who had come in a large supple plastic envelope with three compartments. She was like a spa Barbie doll, or something like that, with white terry cloth towels and a turban. As it turned out, seemed I was the ultimate mean girl bitch, but I told the blonde she could keep the plastic envelope and spa set, and she seemed very pleased with me. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Joseph Quinn's OTHER Movies He Has Been In REVEALED..

They forgot Mr. Bass, a main character in Howard's End, the mini series. He was great. I love him. 💖



Dreams 7/6

 Dreamt a little buck somehow had his antlers stuck in the mailbox. He was struggling, trying to pull them free. 

Dreams 7/6

Dreamt that Ron and I went to a fair with lots of animals. There were loads of cats in particular. They were mostly on big caravan carts with shelves. Ron met up with a big guy that he knew to shoot a pistol and look at the dogs. There were so many kittens: orange and white stripey bat eared ones, that were adorable, pink and blue stripey ones, pale yellow ones with curly coats, there was even a lion cub with a broken foot that was bandaged. His mother was just walking around, the lioness, and that was a bit scary. I had a little yellow kitten I was carrying around. I wanted to keep it but knew I couldn't with Shiner. When I finally did put it down it scratched me all up. I didn't care. There were owls. There was a big grey and white one whose little puff of an owlet had fallen down into a depression. I was going to go and get it for her, but she got it, picked it up, and brought it back. A lot of the cats looked pretty mangey, and some of the kittens were so tiny you never could have taken them home at that stage. It was a very good dream. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats