Saturday, July 15, 2023

Dreams 7/15 or I Want My Dolls!

 Such a dream deserves a title. First, we were here, in the man room, when Ron's brother and sister-in-law bust in, angry. Ron's brother had longer hair, and his wife was much thinner, in a wedding gown. I chased them off, challenging Renee. Then, I was back in Pittsburgh, and it was around Christmas. I was with my dear friend, Miss Brown, and she invited me along on a moonlight drive with some realtor friends of her's. I was riding in the back of the car through old streets, and pointed to a set of stone steps that led up to a crumbling old building and said that Paul and I used to go to church there, sometimes. (This was not true in real life.) We arrived at our destination. There was an elaborately decorated sunporch with Christmas trees, and the front of the house was smooth and white with an evergreen design. Janice, (Miss Brown), pointed and said, "Look how it sparkles!". I commented that it was quartz. Once finally inside, as it took them long enough to let us in, there was a party going on. There were little girls dressed like me, like dolls from the fifties. Soon enough we were gathered around a great many dolls on the floor and there was one woman, dressed like something out of The Civil War in a deep blue gown. Her hair was done up in ringlets. She was very nasty and uppity. Somehow I had some dolls there, too, one was a plastic poodle doll in a matching fifties style dress and a pink plastic doll case with some little dolls in it. Then, I was taken away from the group and when I returned the bitch, who I'll now call, Varina, was gone along with my dolls. I picked up the plastic case of mine and another and was shouting, "I Want My Dolls!" A little old white haired woman was trying to quiet me as I passed into another room on the right full of astounded rich bitches, glass shelves, and bad art. There was a man in an old-fashioned blue and red tailored uniform that looked very put out. When I realized I wasn't going to get my dolls back I returned to the floor with the other dolls and snatched up a Greiner with a little smile on her face as if she was happy to be spirited out of there. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats