Friday, July 14, 2023

Dreams 7/14

 Couple of dreams, strange as ever: first, I was working in an old general store in the country with another woman with gray hair and a plump blonde. We wore uniforms that looked like old-fashioned German peasant dresses. This dream got pretty dirty, so I'll go to the next which was longer and stranger. 

I was staying with some girlfriends by the sea. I didn't know any of them in real life. The boy who played the protagonist in AHS, NYC befriended me, the one who it ended with, who impregnated Ear Muffs from SCREAM QUEENS via turkey baster. Anyways, first, I took him home, and it was wyrd as we ascended the dark wooden stairs to where I was staying, we were under water, and my fish, Felix, who was now, as big as a cat, was swimming around the boy. I told him to watch-out for Felix. I wasn't sure he liked him. Afterwards, he took me to a lighthouse, which happened to be a pub. We ordered some food, and I ordered a pitcher of pina coladas. Then, I saw my girlfriends, so was hanging out with them. Now, the boy, and, no, I can't recall ever knowing his name, introduced me to his friend, an older man with dark hair. He was standing by a small slot machine that I was playing. It had a Jesus theme, and I won a stack of money, so I paid the bill. The boy then asked me if I wanted to go to The Phone. I had no idea what he was talking about, but it was an old phone booth, still there, in the lighthouse. That's when he grabbed me and started kissing me. I was trying to fight him off, but he wasn't taking no for an answer, and I had to seriously jack him up. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats