Saturday, July 22, 2023

Dreams 7/22

 Dreamt I was staying at a big hotel by the sea that had a stag on the sign. Theresa, my best friend, was there, and it was quite a gathering, some sort of party. Then, I stepped out and came back with two kinds of live scorpions, only they might've looked more like scorpion meets cricket and goes Corvette. Some were blue and green like a surf board, and the others were sunset, yellow and orange. I ate them live. They had a bit of a sting, but were pretty good, something like crab. When I brought them back to the party I was giving them out. Theresa's cat was up, walking a table and loved them. When it was time to clear out some of my friends were in a pick up truck and reminded me not to forget about my scorpions which were in a kiddie pool out on the front lawn. I got them, and gave them to them. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats