Monday, July 10, 2023

Dreams 7/10

 Dreamt we lived across the street from Annie and Jay only it was a lot more like Oakland than Greenfields. Ron and I were visiting them and had Bumper, the Yorkshire terrier. When we left, we had to cross over an old wooden porch, Bumper was missing. I went back and was calling, Shiner, not Bumper. Anyways, Annie was gone, but Jay was still there along with his neighbors, a blonde girl and a biker. Something was seriously shady with the blonde. I still could not find Bumper, and when I got home, Ron said "Look who is here", it was Bumper, hiding in the rafters of the cellar. 

Shaggy Boombastic

  Christmas is nearly away... Working on it. ☮ Make Canada the 51st state, I've been saying that for thirty years. Bye bye Psycho TurdO!...