Monday, February 27, 2023

Finn MacCool For Sale

 Finn MacCool

See him at The Collins Port Inn

Look to the Rainbow Original Art for Sale

 Look to the Rainbow

Dreams 2/27

Dreamt I was at a picnic grove by a lake in late summer. There was an old cabin with a big wrap-a-round porch and a lot of people. It seemed to be a reunion of sorts. People were gathering on the porch and eating picnic fare. Eddie Munson from Stranger Things was there. I think they were playing at a game or sport, and Eddie lost. I remember a woman with a long brown ponytail. I'd kissed Eddie. Ron was there, and our car was parked with a lot of others in a gravel drive. The dream continued on after we'd left. I remember speaking to my childhood friend, he was sort of making fun of me, but I've forgotten the rest. 



I can still see you at times
waiting at my front door,
despite the wind,
despite the cold.
Poor Tom cat, seeking the shelter
of my neglected hearth,
too weathered to shiver
or bother to shake the snow
from your gray coat.
And you are the phantom
who slips through dead locked doors,
roaming the halls,
watching for me,
waiting for you.
Dana Lee

Dreams 2/26

My Pillow has not failed to deliver a couple new nightmares. First, I was in my bathroom, here, when I noticed a little cut and squiggly raised bump on the palm of my hand. I pulled a big white worm out of it. Ron was in bed, reading, and I took it in to show him. 

The next nightmare was longer, and some of the details have been lost. I was at some sort of school, a city campus. The building I was in was an office building with lots of big windows and a concrete parking garage which consisted of several storeys. I was in some sort of trouble. There was a woman with short brown hair that was some kind of big wig. She was the main one who had a gripe with me. I reached behind her ear and scratched her. Now, there was a blonde man in a blue suit that was also somehow involved with my troubles. He was tall and well built. We went to the parking garage, and I could not find my car.  We were back in my apartment, now. He said he had to go, and I asked him to take me along. He said he was packing his stuff. So, I hurried to pack my things. Once again, I was back in my bathroom, here, only it had changed. It had an extension with a broken toilet. I was looking for my jewelry. Then, my dolls. I had to go to the bathroom, so had to fix the toilet. The man came back, and I said I had to go to Pittsburgh. He said he only lived eight minutes away. Then, Ron woke me as he often does. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Freddie Mercury Doll For Sale

 Buy Freddie Doll

DIY Collinwood

Want to make your own Collinwood? You can purchase prints of the sets on cardstock, here: 

DARK SHADOWS Sets & Paper Dolls

They go on sale regularly. Stock up to save on shipping. 

DARK SHADOWS is a Dan Curtis production. 

Dreams 2/25

Had a wild, mad sort of an epic sixties style dream that I've forgotten. All I remember is the lady with the platinum curls, the crazy psychedelics, and the constant intense action. I know there was a man, but I cannot recall any details besides maybe a dining room and a dance. I suppose this is how people remember the sixties, huh? 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Dress Up

I think this first beautiful dress is a bit too big for all of my dolls, but I love Maniloa in this antique gown I'd gotten on a trip to Maryland in the nineties. The overdress belonged to a friend of mine's daughter, and the TIKI is from Hawaii, and what's more, the shell beads came from our family trip there when we were children. Maniloa is a great doll for dress up. She's my biggest Himstedt yet. She's only three inches taller than Liri, I think, but Liri is more slender. I'm not sure if Liri and Pauline have nipples and a navel, either, like she does. FYI: I would not use them on a doll's face, as I know, they take the finish off ceramics, but she had a spot on one arm that I feared was mold and a scratch on the other, and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser took both right off. 


Maniloa by Annette Himstedt

Oh, my Ra, Ron had gotten me this traditional dress in New Mexico for Christmas, and it's perfect for Maniloa, who I've wanted for some time. She's the Hawaiian girl, and the latest Himstedt for me: 2005.

Collinwood For Sale

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Dreams 2/21

My Pillow brings me nightmares, and I've been putting this dream off, once again, due to that. I was at a big shin-dig in a posh golden hall of sorts, bedazzled with crystal chandeliers and rich wooden furniture. My childhood friend and neighbor was there. His mother came in the front door with her hair done-up and a long winter coat dragging across the floor. I hugged her, and she was crying. I told her I was sorry that her daughter had passed away. My friend was worried that she was going to cause a scene. Like Mummy, she's been known to. 

The Visitor

Sunday, February 19, 2023


I'm really enjoying this film. It's got Shelley Winters, Deborah Harry, and Liv Tyler. The soundtrack is great. 


Handsome Baby

Mummy's handsome baby is depressed as his foot is bandaged due to a sore tootie, and he can't get up into his window perch and bark at the church goers. 

Dreams 2/19

Dreamt I was back at Slippery Rock, but it was entirely different. For one thing it was in Oakland, so it was more like Pitt. I was in a huge glass building which was supposedly the library. The dean was there only he was a young man with dark hair. I was looking for something, but couldn't find it. The dean had his feet up on a table. I was looking and looking. The dean moved upstairs and was sleeping on a table. I stole my enormous file and stuffed it into my old mahogany colored leather bag which I still have only one of the straps has split. It was very heavy, and I was having a hard time with the weight. I slipped out a back side glass door, thinking I might be alright, but still, tripped an alarm, and security was after me. I made it down the concrete steps and was moving through Oakland as fast as I could beneath my burden, taking the back streets. I thought I'd finally found my car, the trunk was popped, but it was another guy's, only same make and model. I was still looking for my car and sweating when Shiner woke me. 

Soldiers & Sons

Soldiers & Sons

No more shall the bugle's call hearken to your feet,
No canon's blast, or summers past shall blind you with his heat.
Rest my weary soldier son, softly on the ground,
No banshee shell nor mother's wail will make a solemn sound.
In a grove of lilies lie like a sleeping babe,
Oh my shining soldier son, our country you have saved.
Ignore the drums, do not let them stir your heart to wake,
All the brave soldier boys, who died for our sake.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐬 - WAITIN G FOR THE SUN - FULL ALBUM - (1968)

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Dreams 2/16

Dreamt I was back home in Pittsburgh. It was very early, still dark, and I was driving in my car to sub a class at Thomas Jefferson. These are not the true directions, but how it goes with my dreaming. I had missed a turn out of a short tunnel and became quite lost. The sun was rising and for some reason I had left my car and proceeded to walk. Where I ended up was not a school, rather a hospital for bones. I was lost there for awhile too. I recall some sort of crowded convention was going on in the room next to the empty, bare one, where I was waiting. Nobody was any help. So, I left the bone hospital and walked on and on. At this point the dream was becoming a nightmare as I wasn't getting anywhere, just more and more lost. I think I'd gone someplace else, then, could not find my car. Ron might've been there, but the end is foggy. I was tired, sick of it, and knew I was dreaming when I woke myself. I'm getting better at waking myself from horrid dreams. I don't wake as tired anymore, but still soaked and wet. Ron says I work hard at sleeping. 

The Kiffness x Oh Long Johnson 2.0 - Hold Onto My Fur (Talking Cat Song)

The Lost Unicorn

The Lost Unicorn
In a woodland glen so deep is where he came to stay, my lost and lonely unicorn who I had chased away.
With timid eye he reflected the world's mystery, if I had but beheld the dream he'd still be here with me.
But my eyes grew sharp as adder's fangs, bore down upon his horn, is it any wonder that he fled, my frightened unicorn?
And he was quick as starshine, hooves beating on the ground, my misguided feet could not keep up, and he could not be found.
My hands, they miss the silken touch of his golden mane, my elusive unicorn, I never knew his name.
My heart yet beats for wonder of where he came to stay, a gleaming white unicorn who I had chased away.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Doll Therapy 4-6

Doll Therapy 4-6


I taught myself, patience, making dolls. I am a high-strung, Aries: not so patient. I have always been able to draw and paint what is in mind, so I expected none less with my dolls. That was not the case. I make all sorts of dolls, but when I started sculpting, my dolls were not coming out according to plan, so, this is what I discovered: sculpting, is first, about the touch, not, the sight. You have to feel it. You have to smooth out any lump, bump, or crack. You must knead your clay, well. It is not always mixed exactly right. I think, PREMO is best. You must be very clean, and your sleeves must be rolled up, as every little fibre or oil is going to blemish your clay. I keep a paper towel next to me. If you switch colors of clay, you are going to have to wash, again. If you get up from your project to do anything else, you are going to have to wash. I actually sculpt on my white or clear glass plates that I bake my parts on, just to avoid cross contamination. Some people like to see a fingerprint to know it is handmade. I am not one of those people. I am a perfectionist, that never gets it right. I am not impossible to please, but find it difficult to please, myself. I really play with my dolls, so I try to make them very durable, and like experimenting. I say, I think, PREMO is best. I have tested it, thrown on the floor, against the wall. It is best. Fingers and thin limbs from the original Sculpey are not so durable, for play, and I do not think that wire armatures help, much. The next most important thing to keep in mind with your sculpt is to always turn it, and look at it from a different angle and perspective. The only tools I, really, use are toothpicks and needles. I smooth the clay with my fingers to a sheen before baking. This is the love part. This is when you infuse your creation with love.

So, I mostly experiment with the bodies. I have made all sorts of bodies, from leather, to clay. If you are going to make leather bodies, get leather coats at the Goodwill and save yourself. A scrap of leather at the craft store costs what a XXL man's leather coat does at the Goodwill. You will have to sew by hand with a leather needle, too. Leather bodies last a long time. I have made, mostly, all leather dolls, with just sculpted heads, hands, and boots. I almost always give my dolls wooden spines, but have made wooden dolls too. I cannot carve, but, admire the old Queen Annes. This, is what I do: I use a wooden spoon, wooden dowels, a jewelry crafting hand drill, (these do not cost much), jewelry eye screws, and jump ring connectors. The dolls are quite flexible, and depending upon how tight you make her corset, can stand on her own, but if not, a fancy, tin, cylindrical tea caddy, beneath her gown, makes the perfect stand. I paint their faces, looking at originals, and art from those days, and give them clay, or balsa wood noses. I have given them clay hands too, but prefer to fashion little lace day gloves over the dowels. I like using tapestry and velvet for the bodies a lot. They are also very durable. I get vintage furniture samples for the tapestry. Samples and remnants are blessings for dolls. Save your scraps. Some of my best dolls are made from scraps.
I probably enjoy dollhouse size dolls most. Here is the perfect body for this size doll, and a cheaper variation: wooden spine, fabric glue, Beacon is best, pipe cleaners, wrapped tight in wool yarn or crepe paper streamers, that have been stretched and cut in half, long, like ribbons. On some dolls, I use vintage lace, in place of the wool or crepe.

When I make a character doll, it always seems to sell straight away. I think the patron must've been wanting the doll, too. Sometimes, I channel the subject. Sometimes, I get the feeling that they are with me. These dolls tend to take me longer. Usually a doll will only take me a couple of days to complete. Then, there are the ones that have taken me months.
Of course, there are all kinds of dolls to make. I thought, I had made all sorts of dolls, so started giving some animal heads. You do not have to sculpt. You can even create your own fabric now, from photos, online, to make your own character rag dolls. But, beware. Although, hooray, this is awesome, do not buy the cheapest grade of this fabric, except for use in craft projects. It is not for sewing. I get the second grade of this fabric, in cotton, and it is wonderful. I still find nature dolls to be fun and the perfect, free, souvenir. I am always collecting special stones to paint, acorn caps, bits of bark. I keep my corn husks, that I dry, on paper bags, under the sink. If you do not dry your husks properly, your green dolls and wreaths will eventually, mold. You can use brads to animate your paper dolls. I have some knitted finger puppets, and, now, if only I had the patience to knit! It still hasn't happened.


Collecting dolls and making dolls will have you wanting new clothes for your dolls and furniture. You will find lots of reasonable goodies on Ebay. Say, you collect Monster High. There are umpteen Frankie dolls, etc... But, there are Ebay shops that specialize in doll clothes, so if you like Frankie's new dress, but do not want another Frankie, you can likely find the dress, alone, for under five dollars with shipping. Amazon tends to be more expensive for dolls, unless, like me, you find a collector, selling their collection, out of the box. Most of my Monster Highs cost five dollars, but I have bought a couple, on sale, at The Mattel Shop and TOYS-R-US. Both run good sales. As much fun as I have looking at doll clothes on Ebay, it is even more fun to make them, yourself, as they do not take long, and you can make them from scraps. They only take some tight, little hand stitching and snaps. I like using vintage lace and make my own patterns based on their clothes. Just remember to leave room for stitching and stretchy fabric works best for turning the tiny clothes, that, and a knitting needle or wooden skewer. Some dolls hands, etc, are removable for easy dressing. You can make tiny bags and knapsacks with bitsy scraps and ribbon. I have made a travel doll, Jane Eyre, who comes along with a trunk and wardrobe, as described in the book. I've made other dolls that come along with trunks and wardrobes too, like Lady Vi, a Georgian reproduction, and my dancing Fred Astaire doll, with clothes to match his films. I've seen them all. I love making seasonal dresses for my antiques, and discovered one was solid wood that way, as I could see the grain as her paint flaked. I have some big dolls that wear childrens size clothes, like my Himstedt, and Christine Orange; so, they are fun, and have gotten hand-me-downs and antique gowns, too. Doll clothes can be a lot of fun, but why stop there, when you can create an entire bed set for your doll? There are lots of ways that you can create a cheap or free doll bed. The carved, wooden, Indian cigar boxes make perfect dollhouse beds and couches, as they provide storage, too. You can make bigger doll beds from: craft foam, cardboard boxes, fabric scraps, fabric glue, or needle and thread, lace, and stuffing. I like to save my doll boxes for things like headboards and dresser tops. I love Susan Sirkis's Wish Booklets. My first was, Potpourri, as it is a mixture of craft projects from dresser dolls to a pattern for a big, flapper doll, bride gown. These books are loads of fun and I find the projects inspirational, as they all allow room for personalization. I have other Wish Booklets with all sorts of miniature projects, from vanities, to entire cake shop and hat shop facades. Dressers are easy with a couple of fabric skirts, lace, and a mirror. Bottles of perfume and powder boxes are fashioned out of glass beads and glue. The same goes for lamps. Rhinestones make for the perfect movie star lights, when glued around a mirror. I made my Gene doll a bedroom. The dresser was an old, wooden, jewelry box, that looked like a dresser. I spray painted it gold and glued gold trimming round. I used animal print velvet for her bed. I made my Lagoona Blue a big hutch, covering it with handmade paper. How about hat boxes? I like them for storage and make them out of little boxes, fabric scraps, trimming, and fabric glue.


I'd always wanted a real dollhouse, and while I was teaching, I had made myself a couple out of cabinets. One was an old ice chest: three stories, and too heavy to move. I stuccoed that one. They both had faux windows, that is, they were just fancy paper, wood frames, curtains, and drapes: they were not cut-out. I like reading books about dollhouses: old ones, collecting them, miniatures, making miniatures, etc... Among my favorites are Vivien Greene and Flora Gill Jacobs. The first dollhouses were called babyhouses, and they were cabinets. Later, I started making single room dollhouses out of wooden boxes and old drawers. I would, first, draw my house, in pencil, on the outside, paint them in acrylics, and add several clear coats. I even did one facade in watercolors, on watercolor paper, and glued it to the front of an old wooden box. These houses are ideal for small spaces, as they look nice hanging on a wall or sitting on a shelf. A few years ago, one of my best friends sent me a vintage dollhouse kit of an old Creole cottage, like down in The French Quarter. It took me a month, lots of glue, fancy paper, paint, and varnish, but once I filled it with my little treasures, many gifts from my two best friends, it became The Magic Shoppe. The dining room became Doll Land. I sold a lot of the little houses, bought more dolls, and my boyfriend brought me home a big wooden cabinet, that he got at auction for two dollars. I painted the outside with my favorite view of Collinwood. The inside has three floors, but they are not very deep, so I used watercolor sets on watercolor paper and prints on cardstock for the sets of six rooms. Collinwood is my biggest painting yet, and although I do have quite a lot of time in it: the outside took me a couple of days, as did each set, I do not have much money in it. Then, dream of all dreams, my boyfriend brought me home a solid wood, two story, Amish dollhouse: perfect for The Collins Port Inn, and without knowing it, Doll Land has taken over the doll room, once, again. I even make dollhouses for my dollhouse dolls out of mint tins with miniature dolls with magnetic feet. You can make a dollhouse of your house like this using art, photographs, and momentos. There are wonderful miniaturists on Etsy. My favorites happen to be Italian, but there are some fabulous English ones, too. The miniature handcarved furniture is expensive, but you can make copies with balsa wood. You can cut out balsa wood with scissors, glue it, sand it, stain it, and finish it with clear coat or fancy paper. Will your's look as good as the professionals'? Probably not, but it is fun, and you can make sofas and chairs out of fabric with either little boxes beneath, or stuffing. I use corks with fabric tops for stools. Antique catalogs are gold mines, as they are printed on heavy paper. Then, you can decorate your dollhouse. I have too much fun with my dollhouses.

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    Tuesday, February 14, 2023


    Dodie, my beautiful handmade doll that I got at Joanna Furnace past Christmas for $5, has taught me how nice simplification is. In a world of simpletons, I'll keep my dolls. 

    Becorns by David Bird

    My girlfriend just turned me on to these. Look how cute! 


    Still Pays to be Evil after All this Time

    Obviously, I got Elvira for Valentines Day. She's an idol who has never let me down. She's fangtastic, o my ghoul. Biggest gripe is her boobs aren't big enough. She's for sure joining the faculty at Monster High. 

    Happy Valentines Day


    Sunday, February 12, 2023

    Dreams 2/12

    I hadn't documented last night's dream as it was sad, but last time I saw Daddy in a dream he'd said he had to go, and I was afraid I would not dream of him again. He was very old and sick in the dream. It took place at my grandparents' house, and his youngest sister, my aunt, was there. 

    Tonight's dream was strange as usual. Ron's cousin was in it as well as her old boyfriend and some other young men I did not know. They were swimming, racing, and had swim suits, goggles, and numbers. They were literally racing by race, which seemed pretty racist. 

    Mardi Gras Tee

    Quite hexcited with this new Mardi Gras tee. Might have to make beignets and gumbo. 

    Dreams 2/11

     Forgot, I dreamt of a love bird last night. It was  amongst some glossy vines on a white trellis.