Monday, February 27, 2023
Dreams 2/27
Dreamt I was at a picnic grove by a lake in late summer. There was an old cabin with a big wrap-a-round porch and a lot of people. It seemed to be a reunion of sorts. People were gathering on the porch and eating picnic fare. Eddie Munson from Stranger Things was there. I think they were playing at a game or sport, and Eddie lost. I remember a woman with a long brown ponytail. I'd kissed Eddie. Ron was there, and our car was parked with a lot of others in a gravel drive. The dream continued on after we'd left. I remember speaking to my childhood friend, he was sort of making fun of me, but I've forgotten the rest.
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...