Thursday, February 16, 2023

Dreams 2/16

Dreamt I was back home in Pittsburgh. It was very early, still dark, and I was driving in my car to sub a class at Thomas Jefferson. These are not the true directions, but how it goes with my dreaming. I had missed a turn out of a short tunnel and became quite lost. The sun was rising and for some reason I had left my car and proceeded to walk. Where I ended up was not a school, rather a hospital for bones. I was lost there for awhile too. I recall some sort of crowded convention was going on in the room next to the empty, bare one, where I was waiting. Nobody was any help. So, I left the bone hospital and walked on and on. At this point the dream was becoming a nightmare as I wasn't getting anywhere, just more and more lost. I think I'd gone someplace else, then, could not find my car. Ron might've been there, but the end is foggy. I was tired, sick of it, and knew I was dreaming when I woke myself. I'm getting better at waking myself from horrid dreams. I don't wake as tired anymore, but still soaked and wet. Ron says I work hard at sleeping. 

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