Monday, February 27, 2023

Dreams 2/26

My Pillow has not failed to deliver a couple new nightmares. First, I was in my bathroom, here, when I noticed a little cut and squiggly raised bump on the palm of my hand. I pulled a big white worm out of it. Ron was in bed, reading, and I took it in to show him. 

The next nightmare was longer, and some of the details have been lost. I was at some sort of school, a city campus. The building I was in was an office building with lots of big windows and a concrete parking garage which consisted of several storeys. I was in some sort of trouble. There was a woman with short brown hair that was some kind of big wig. She was the main one who had a gripe with me. I reached behind her ear and scratched her. Now, there was a blonde man in a blue suit that was also somehow involved with my troubles. He was tall and well built. We went to the parking garage, and I could not find my car.  We were back in my apartment, now. He said he had to go, and I asked him to take me along. He said he was packing his stuff. So, I hurried to pack my things. Once again, I was back in my bathroom, here, only it had changed. It had an extension with a broken toilet. I was looking for my jewelry. Then, my dolls. I had to go to the bathroom, so had to fix the toilet. The man came back, and I said I had to go to Pittsburgh. He said he only lived eight minutes away. Then, Ron woke me as he often does. 

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