Friday, September 30, 2022

Worst Carpool Ever

    But, Lopez is hot. 


Worst Crafts Ever


Worst Bumper Sticker Ever

                                                                         Devil in Ohio

I like making corn husk dolls and hiss at boys playing monkeyball, too...  


Dreams 9/30


Dreamt Ron and I were away and staying in a hotel. My two ex-sister-in-laws were staying with us for the night, and although there were two double beds, I was sleeping in one, Ron, in the other, and Krisi and Karyn were on the floor. In the morning when I came from the room there was a baggage claim outside the door. The woman working there had two big unicorn bags, one pink, one red. I told her one of them was mine, but she said, no, and that's how I lost my luggage. Then, I was on my way, alone, to Bali. I had made a dark little Asian lady friend. There was another small Asian man that came up behind her and stuck her with a needle so that she fell over backwards off the escalator. I went directly to the airport management and reported him. They asked me what his name was, and I said that I didn't know, but thought it was something like, Cho. They had a lot of television screens on the wall, They said that he had been doing this for quite some time and was getting sloppy. One man started clapping. He said that his son would be traveling to Bali with me. I don't recall his name, the son, but I would say he was about thirty-five, white, with brown hair. He said he was a Gemini. He traded my pink laptop for a heavy metal one and asked if I wanted another. Supposedly these were top of the line, and he had one, too. I told him, no. He was next to me on the plane. When we got to Bali I was with him the first day as he knew his way around and spoke the language. He was staying in the room next to mine at the hotel. You could see the ocean from the balcony and there was no glass or screen. I was wearing green silk pajamas. He kissed me, and I told him he'd have to go because my sweetheart was coming, and he did when I woke. 

Worst Grace Ever


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Now Playing 9/30


Speak of the devil, trying, this:

Devil in Ohio

Dreams 9/29 Reprise (Nap)


Dreamt I was playing a game with some friends. I know the one guy from school, DJ, but, I think the others were the dream kind. The one was English. I believe it was something like Dungeons & Dragons. We were in a sports kind of bar. My English friend saw I had a big bag of weed and seemed concerned. Suddenly it became sort of playful as somebody was shooting arrows when we sat down to eat. Another friend from high school and college, Billy, was waiting on us, and my brother came in with his friends and was sitting across from us. I invited Billy back to my parents' house with us to play the game and ordered a margarita. My brother had gotten me a case of cider, and we were in the basement playing the game when it started getting good. I had my tablet, and it binged. I said it was from my sweetheart. Billy said he thought he was my sweetheart, (he is so sweet), and I said, yes, but my real sweetheart. When my sweetheart found out where I was, he said he was coming. I had invited everybody to crash at the house, but I don't think they did. I passed-out early, which is not surprising. The next day my brother took me to the airport to fetch my sweetheart. I said we had to take him for Vinnie pie, so that's where we went. I only wanted mushrooms, but it had pepperoni too. Pepperoni and pickles give me wild dreams. Afterwards we went home, and my brother said he was going to a concert and wanted us to come, but we didn't. Then, I woke. 

Brambly Hedge - Autumn Story (1997)

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Dreams 9/29

 Dreamt I was in the bathroom in high school. Two boys followed me in, and the big dark one looked familiar, but the smaller, lighter, one did not. That one whispered in my ear about playing UNO because there was a lot of background noise. Told him I didn't play UNO, rather Spades and Hearts. They left. There was all kinds of writing on the floor in magic markers. The girl in the stall next to me said to another, "Hey, this says Marcella, like that Japanese fairy tale. It's not supposed to say that." The toilet was all wonky and off kilter. When I was leaving my blue scarf got caught on the bathroom door and snagged. After I'd come from the restroom the school suddenly became the refrigerated section of a super market, and my high school boyfriend was sitting at a desk, alone, bit there were four desks pushed together like for group work. His hair was better than I'd remembered. He asked if I wanted to pick the band for prom and he could DJ. I said, "What about a Dixie Land band, like jazz?" He said, "No". That's when I woke.  

The Untold Story Of Chateau Des Amerois - The Mothers Of Darkness Castle

528 Hz Awaken Your Healing Power ☥ Activate Your Magic ☥ Magic Ambience ...

Paper Dolls

Paper Dolls



My Stories


"She made herself smile, but it was a smile weighed with sadness, it was as if she knew she would never smile again." Catherine Cookson, The Mallen Streak 

Dreams 9/28


Dreamt I was in the old house, and there were a bunch of old claw foot bath tubs in the cellar. I was in my mermaid swimsuit and robe and filled one to soak in, only once it was filled, there were all sorts of fish swimming round in it, including some quite big ones like a little hammerhead shark. I wasn't getting in: too creeped-out when suddenly a lot of immigrants and their children started pouring in. They did not mind swimming with the fish. I got a message on my tablet from an old college friend, Petey. He was cute and nice, but I'd been warned to stay away from him as he'd been called a slut. I went out back, but then, again, it was the backyard, here, now, to sunbathe and text with Petey on my tablet. Like boys, Petey was pretty boring, not a lot to say. Then, I was in a dark bar, I was dressed, no longer in my swimsuit, and my old friend, Sean, was there, sitting on a stool at a table. Sean is another who was totally sweet, although people said he was crazy. We were talking as I was saying how much I liked his little brother James, and he said he had five brothers, and they were "tight". None of this is true, as far as I know, in real life. Then, I was back in the kitchen at the old house, again, although it was very unkempt and dirty: dishes and pans piled-up. Ron asked for some ham and eggs which I was frying-up when the neighbor, Jesus, came in with his five-year-old son. I gave the son a big raisin cookie and was thinking I had to get a shower, that I was going to be late, when I woke and finally put an end to the dreams. 

Lucrezia Borgia: Pretty Poison | Full Documentary | Biography

Ghost caught on camera in daylight on a Scottish river.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

All the dirt will come out of the body. My grandmother's old recipe is u...

There are English subtitles. 

Another Dream 9/27


I had to go back to bed and dreamt that I was staying in an old white Creole style cottage with my parents, but I only saw Daddy. I loved the house, it was one story with long wrap around hallways. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and wash my hair, but suddenly the house was different, more like a dormitory with a shared bathroom. When I'd gotten out of the shower my hair was like a unicorn horn. I had a long blue floral dress that had small buttons up the front and crinoline underneath. I'd put it on, it was very pretty, but I was still wearing tight jeans beneath and was thinking that was all wrong when a lot of people started pouring into the bathroom, setting up books for a sale. I grabbed what I thought was my purse to leave, but it was another book only with a handle. A man told me my little blue purse was, "over there", and it was, on a bunch of books. When I'd gotten out of the bathroom the house was all different. It had red painted marble looking walls and stairs, more like a hotel: big. I became very lost, and had no idea where I was going. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Dreams 9/27


Dreamt I was with my ex-sister-in-law in her little white cottage. She had a couple of roommates, one was Asian with black glasses. I was in the kitchen, which was also white with shelving. There were all sorts of fresh vegetables like cabbage on the shelves. She had a blue stuffed animal that she sprayed because she said it smelled. I went into the bathroom after the Asian girl, and there were two towels in the toilet. I saw some people approaching, and one girl came right in the window because there wasn't a screen. She had short brown hair and was talking very fast, so I bit her tongue. 

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (Official Audio)

❤ Never gets old ❤

Shattered (Remastered)

Queen - Killer Queen (Top Of The Pops, 1974)

Dreams 9/26

Dreamt that I was late for work. I was back at home, at my parents' and kept checking and rechecking my hours on the side of the refrigerator. Then, my shirt was wrinkled, and I could not find my shoes. When I got to the restaurant, it was different and very dark. Sarah and Jo, two of the girls I used to work with, were there, but Jo had white hair. Probably as that was twenty-some years ago, it's been closed as long, and I'd dreamt of my boss years ago when he'd passed away. I used to have nearly as many late dreams as I do lost, but it's been awhile. I think these dreams reflect how time dictates our lives.  


Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Devils Hand (1961) | COLORIZED | Horror, Sci-Fi Movie | Full Length ...

I think I saw this and liked it, but I'm not sure...  

Epstein's Island Eleven

Work with Me Annie

Dreams 9/25


Dreamt I'd just gotten married, and the wedding party was gathered in our big old house. I've never been in this house before, it seemed candlelit, gold with creme. The only people, there, that I really knew were my mother, brother, and ex. There were a lot of girls I really don't know. I was wearing a long, tight, red dress. I was in the bathroom putting on lipstick when one of the girls said it was time to go to dinner. My ex did not want to go, citing that it was three in the morning. I agreed, and said everybody should sleep over as we had no less than seven couches. Still, everybody was pouring out of the house, and in the rush I'd forgotten my coat. We were on a train, and I was sitting next to a big guy with dark hair. We were tired and falling asleep on one and other's shoulders. Somebody shouted and laughed, and we woke to see a light coming up on the train. It was my ex on a motorcycle, he'd gotten left behind. The dinner was on a posh river boat. I'd ordered chicken and dumplings. Some people already had their dinners on big round white dishes. I still hadn't gotten mine yet when my brother asked Jade if she was Native American. She was pretty and nodded, yes, but that she had to go to the emergency room as she had a fish bone lodged in her mouth. People were questioning her about it when first she showed with her finger and then a rolled-up white paper place-mat. Just then, I'd asked, "Where's Mummy?". Nobody answered, so I went looking. I had my big black bag that she'd gotten me with me, which come to think of it, wouldn't have matched my dress. I thought I saw her, dressed in black, in the distance, so kept walking. I noticed that a couple of women seemed to walk right off of the deck, which was wet, so appeared to be walking on water. That's when I went right off of the boat, down, down, down, into the deep black water. I was still thinking, swim up, or you'll drown, but I did not want to drop my heavy purse when I woke all wet. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Secrets: The Sphinx FULL EPISODE | Smithsonian Channel

Janis Joplin: The Final 24 (Full Documentary)

This one goes out to Tonya. Now watching, Saw the Jim one. It was good... 


locals: Dolls & Magic

Epstein's Island Ten

Eleven should be coming soon... 

Chocolate Coconut Almonds

Trader Joe's Chocolate Coconut Almonds 

These things are killer. 

Himstedt Heaven

Himstedt Heaven 

I've got seven. Liri is my fav. I might give my first, Tara, to my Best Witch, but I don't know. It's like giving away a child. I've had her a long time, and she is still the one I paid the most for, although I got her at cost back then. The other six just came to me a few years ago. I've got three German girls. Crazy Horse is my only boy. I renamed him and Mirth, the Balinese girl. I also have the gypsy and Morgana, the Italian club doll. Those two are gorgeous. I love my Himmies like the antiques, maybe even more❣ I'm pretty much batshit doll cra cra. I always have been. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Charlotte Sometimes

Secrets (Remastered Version)


The Cure - Birdmad Girl (HQ)

Sneak Peek



"The only trouble is we never recognize real happiness when we have it." Catherine Cookson, The Mallen Streak

Dreams 9/23

First, I dreamt I was at a doctor's house with his wife. He had some sort of radio show, and my childhood friend, Kristen, called in.I was very excited to tell him that I knew her. 

The second dream was at Shadow High. It was my first day of school, there, teaching with a friend. We were looking for our rooms. It was one of the nicest and most colorful schools I've been and very clean. My friend found her room but I was lost. I was wearing a tight turquoise dress and other teachers were giving me looks. I asked a woman where room 13 was, and she said to take the stairs, and I'd come upon it right around the corner. She added it looked just like room 12, Sex Education. I was thinking, sex education? I'm an English teacher. When I got there I had to go through room 12 to get to my class. Martinez was the Sex Education teacher, and he was real happy to see me. 

My You Tube

There's a link for my first You Tube channel, (that I can't get into), & my old Daily Motion channel at the top of my channel. 


Just started using Blogger as social media, hexcetera, makes me sick. Still using locals, Pinterest, Ebay, You Tube, & ZAZZLE at the moment. That's about it. I'll post if I list on Ebay, & I'm considering a Ruby Lane shop. I'll likely post art, dolls, stories, poetry, dreams, recipes, books, magic, Tarot, & nature here, besides sharing what I'm watching, (I watch a lot of documentaries), & music, here. I also play flutter Starlight, 'witch I still enjoy. 

Helen Kish's Special Zsu Zse Barbary Coast

  Specially dressed for a doll shop tea in Texas, Zsu Zse is part of Riley's World. I had planned on dressing her as a Native American. ...