Dreamt I'd just gotten married, and the wedding party was gathered in our big old house. I've never been in this house before, it seemed candlelit, gold with creme. The only people, there, that I really knew were my mother, brother, and ex. There were a lot of girls I really don't know. I was wearing a long, tight, red dress. I was in the bathroom putting on lipstick when one of the girls said it was time to go to dinner. My ex did not want to go, citing that it was three in the morning. I agreed, and said everybody should sleep over as we had no less than seven couches. Still, everybody was pouring out of the house, and in the rush I'd forgotten my coat. We were on a train, and I was sitting next to a big guy with dark hair. We were tired and falling asleep on one and other's shoulders. Somebody shouted and laughed, and we woke to see a light coming up on the train. It was my ex on a motorcycle, he'd gotten left behind. The dinner was on a posh river boat. I'd ordered chicken and dumplings. Some people already had their dinners on big round white dishes. I still hadn't gotten mine yet when my brother asked Jade if she was Native American. She was pretty and nodded, yes, but that she had to go to the emergency room as she had a fish bone lodged in her mouth. People were questioning her about it when first she showed with her finger and then a rolled-up white paper place-mat. Just then, I'd asked, "Where's Mummy?". Nobody answered, so I went looking. I had my big black bag that she'd gotten me with me, which come to think of it, wouldn't have matched my dress. I thought I saw her, dressed in black, in the distance, so kept walking. I noticed that a couple of women seemed to walk right off of the deck, which was wet, so appeared to be walking on water. That's when I went right off of the boat, down, down, down, into the deep black water. I was still thinking, swim up, or you'll drown, but I did not want to drop my heavy purse when I woke all wet.
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...